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"# Introduction to code versioning with git\n",
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"## schedule\n",
"- introduction to files history
"- introduction to Git, a system of code versioning
"- the Git cycle
"- branches
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"## support\n",
"jupyter notebook running into the `jupyter/minimal-notebook` docker container
"1. `docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --user root -e NB_USER=\"tutoriel_git\" -e CHOWN_HOME=yes -v \"${PWD}:/home/${NB_USER}\" jupyter/minimal-notebook`
"2. in a browser, open the last given URL
"3. cp notebook `tutotiel_git.ipynb` & `images` repository into the `${PWD}/tutotiel_git/` repository
"**note:** \n",
"- notebook with a Python kernel: use `%%sh` for shell (bash) in code cells
"- docker container: use `cd ${PWD}/xxx/` in code cells to work into `xxx`
"- at the end of the notebook, the `tutoriel_git` repository will look like:
"`├── FAIR_bioinfo_github`
"`│ └── README.md`
"`├── first_git_example`
"`│ ├── file1.txt`
"`│ └── file2.txt`
"`└── tutoriel_git.ipynb`"
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"## Really need of a files history?\n",
"_Most researchers are primarily collaborating with themselves,” Tracy Teal explains. “So, we teach it from the perspective of being helpful to a ‘future you’.”_"
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"## Files history, a good practice for reproducible research\n",
"_”Rule 4: Version Control All Custom Scripts”_\n",
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"## Code control version\n",
"**Definition:** version control, revision control, source control, or source code management: class\n",
"of systems responsible for managing changes to files\n",
"**Feature:** each revision is associated with a timestamp and the person making the change. Revisions can be compared, restored, and merged\n",
"**Software:** SVN, Git, Mercurial, GNU arch, etc\n",
"We choose Git."
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"## Git vs. GitHub\n",
"- will track and version your files
"- enables you to collaborate with ... **yourself** (and others if they have local access)
"- open source license GPL (GNU General Public License)
"- created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds for the development of the Linux kernel \n",
"- stores online Git repositories
"- enables you to collaborate with **others** (and **yourself!**)
"- sources belong to Microsoft
"- code deposited on it is shared with Microsoft (beware of sensitive data)
"- first commit in 2007 by Chris Wanstrath"
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"## Git concepts, Git objects\n",
"- **working directory:** a user private copy of a whole repository of interest
"- **clone:** a local copy of a repository (with all commits and branches), the original repository can be local, or remote (http access)
"- **commit:** a git _object_, compressed snapshot of your entire repository; the _command_ that saves changes by creating the snapshot
"- **HEAD:** pointer to your current working commit. Can be moved (git checkout) to branches, tags, or commits
"- **branch:** a lightweight movable pointer to a commit
"- **merge:** combines remote tracking branch into current local branch
"- **staging area:** list of files of the working directory that will be considered for next commit (ie. could be not all the modified files)
"- **tag**: a version you want to memorize"
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"- **Revision graph:** \n",
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"## Git setup\n",
"**Git configuration:** check the configuration of your git `user.name` with:"
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"git config --list"
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"if not yet done (nothing displayed), tell git our identity:"
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"git config --global user.name ’clairetn’\n",
"git config --global user.email ’claire.ctn@gmail.com’\n",
"git config --list"
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"**Git repository initialisation:** \n",
"The initialisation (red arrow) is the creation of a `.git` repository:\n",
"3 ways to initialise a git repository:
"- `git init`: inside an existing folder (possibly containing files)
"- `git init myproject`: create `myproject` folder + initialize the `.git` subfolder inside it
"- `git clone /gitfolder/path /new/path`: copy the existing git repository to a new one"
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"Initalise a git repository:"
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"git init first_git_example"
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"Observe the git folder:"
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"ls -lah first_git_example"
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"## Git work cycle, 3 steps\n",
"1. create/delete/change files
"2. place the files to follow to a special space, the staged area with **`add myfiles`**
"3. keep the actual version of the files included in the staged area with **`commit -m \"my reason of change\"`**
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"The **`status`** command explains the git step of each file of the folder:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"git status"
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"Now, experiment one git cycle. \n",
"**Create 2 files**:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"for i in 1 2 ; do \n",
" echo \"text of file \"${i}\"\\n\" > file${i}.txt ;\n",
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"Check the git **status**:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"git status"
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"Observe: the 2 new files are included in the list of untracked files."
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"Add `file1.txt` to the list of tracked files, the **staged area**:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"git add file1.txt\n",
"git status"
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"`file1.txt` pass from untracked to staged (ie. to be committed)."
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"Change again the content of `file1.txt`:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"sed 's/text/text change /' file1.txt > tmp ; mv tmp file1.txt\n",
"git status"
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"observe the 3 states.\n",
"Note that `file1.txt` appears in _to be commited_ and also in _not staged for commit_. Why?"
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"**Stage** all files:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"git add file?.txt\n",
"git status"
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"And **commit**:"
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"cd ${PWD}/first_git_example\n",
"git commit -m \"commit with all files\"\n",
"git status"
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"note on commit message (`-m`):
"follow [convential-commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org) specification for adding **human** and **machine readable** meaning:\n",
" [optional scope]: \n",
" [optional body]\n",
" [optional footer(s)]\n",
" \n",
"type examples: `feat fix build chore ci docs style perf test ...`
"[here](https://blog.stack-labs.com/code/devops_conventional_changelog/) an example in French"
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"## middle conclusion\n",
"So far, you've started a new project whose code is versioned by git.
"You have created files and all their successives changes were tracked.\n",
"To avoid bad changes of code, it is a good practice to test a new code version before use it, and so separate development code from production code. \n",
"With the Git **branch** concept, you may manage this separation: develop code from an initial copy of the master code."
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"## Use branches\n",
"We will now create a 2nd project by copying an already existing one (from an online git project site, _e.g._ github):"
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"git clone https://github.com/clairetn/FAIR_bioinfo_github.git\n",
"ls -lah FAIR_bioinfo_github/ "
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"Observe the result:\n",
"- a new folder has been created\n",
"- its name is directly deduced from the URL\n",
"- it contains a `.git` repository and a `README.md` file: it is a minimal project!"
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"To developpe a new functionality, add a branch with **`branch`**:"
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"source": [
"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"git branch branch_myfn # create a branch\n",
"git branch # list all branches"
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"The default branch is nammed `master`. The star denotes the working branch."
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"Move to the new branch with **`checkout`**:"
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"source": [
"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"git checkout branch_myfn\n",
"git branch"
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"Explore the branch (ls, git status):"
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"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"ls -lah\n",
"git status"
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"The branch `branch_myfn` looks at a strict copie of the origin, the `master` branch."
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"Realise a git cycle: i) change the `README.md` file by adding your firstname to the authors list, ii) add the file to the staged area, and iii) commit:"
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"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"echo \"- my firstname \" >> fn.txt ; \n",
"cat < fn.txt >> README.md ; rm fn.txt # add fisrtname\n",
"more README.md ; echo \"----------\" # check adding\n",
"git status # check status"
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"source": [
"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"git add README.md # add to the staged area\n",
"git status"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
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"git commit -m \"add firstname\" # commit step\n",
"git status"
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"Once you have check that the changes are corretcs, back to the `master` branch.\n",
"Check the version of `README.md` file:"
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"metadata": {
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"source": [
"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"git checkout master\n",
"more README.md"
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"It is the version before the change in the `branch_myfn` branch."
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"**`merge`** and **`delete`** the `branch_myfn`:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"metadata": {
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "fragment"
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"source": [
"cd ${PWD}/FAIR_bioinfo_github\n",
"git merge branch_myfn # merge the branch to master\n",
"echo \"------------\"\n",
"more README.md\n",
"echo \"------------\"\n",
"git branch -d branch_myfn # -d = delete\n",
"git branch"
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"## Conclusion\n",
"You now know how to version a project with the Git commands in a Git cycle (change/add to stage/commit/push).\n",
"And you also have use a Git branch to test a new code functionality/version before save it.\n",
"## References\n",
"- [version control, wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control)\n",
"- [git quick guide, tutorial point](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/git/git_quick_guide.htm)\n",
"- [git getting started](https://www.powershellmagazine.com/2015/07/13/git-for-it-professionals-getting-started-2/)"
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