--- title: "TP SingleCell GSEA" output: html_document date: "2023-11-08" --- # Load libraries ```{r load_libraries, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} base::library(package = "BiocParallel") # Optionally multithread some steps base::library(package = "DT") # Display nice table in HTML base::library(package = "ggplot2") # Draw graphs and plots base::library(package = "ggpubr") # Draw nicer graphs base::library(package = "rstatix") # Base R statistics base::library(package = "knitr") # Build this presentation base::library(package = "dplyr") # Handle big tables base::library(package = "Seurat") # Handle SingleCell analyses base::library(package = "SeuratObject") # Handle SingleCell objects base::library(package = "SingleCellExperiment") # Handle SingleCell file formats base::library(package = "UpSetR") # Nice venn-like graphs base::library(package = "EnhancedVolcano") # Draw Volcano plot ``` # Load RDS object ```{r load_seurat_object, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE} sobj <- base::readRDS( file = "/shared/projects/2325_ebaii/SingleCell/GSEA/Scaled_Normalized_Seurat_Object.RDS", ) ``` # Your time to work! ## Get Gene-Sets Use the function `getGeneSets` from the `escape` package. Remember: 1. we work on a mouse dataset 2. we use the library `MH` ```{r gene_sets, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE} # Write down your code here ``` ## Run Escape Use the function `enrichIt` of the package `escape`. Remember: 1. We use the gene set we justcreated 2. We use the Seurat object stored in the variable `sobj` 3. If we use more CPU (`cores`) the analysis is faster! ```{r gsea, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE} # Write down your code here ``` ## Session info Use the function `sessionINfo()` to keep a track of your package version! Remember: 1. I can't remember the package name... Can you find it? ```{r session_info, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE} # Write down your code here ```