1 Libraries and environment

1.1 Load environment

Libraries used to create and generate this report:

  • R : R version 4.3.3 (2024-02-29)
  • rmarkdown : 2.21
  • knitr : 1.42
  • rmdformats : 1.0.4
  • bookdown : 0.34
  • kableExtra : 1.3.4

1.2 Load libraries

Libraries used to analyse data:

  • SNFtool: 2.3.1
  • pheatmap: 1.0.12
  • igraph: 1.4.2

Libraries used to load data:

  • MOFAdata: 1.16.1
  • data.table: 1.14.8
  • mixOmics: 6.24.0

1.3 Visualization using Cytoscape

Cytoscape is used for visualization. Figures were generated using the Cytoscape v3.9.1 and several Cytoscape apps:

  • yFiles Layout Algorithm: 1.1.3
  • LegendCreator: 1.1.6

2 Functions

In this tutorial, we decide to remove samples with at least one missing data. To remove samples with missing data, we propose the following NARemoving() function. Input parameters are:

  • data: the data type
  • margin: a vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over (e.g. 1 indicates rows and 2 indicates columns)
  • threshold: threshold above which samples/features are deleted
NARemoving <- function(data, margin, threshold){
    #' NA removing
    #' Calculate percentage of na
    #' Remove na from rows (margin = 1) or column (margin = 2)
    #' @param data data.frame.
    #' @param margin int. 1 = row and 2 = column
    #' @param threshold int. Number of missing data accepted
    #' @return Return data.frame with a specific number of na by row/column

  data_na <- apply(data, MARGIN = margin, FUN = function(v){sum(is.na(v)) / length(v) * 100})
  # print(table(data_na))
  toRemove <- split(names(data_na[data_na > threshold]), " ")[[1]]
  if(margin == 1){
    data_withoutNa <- data[!(row.names(data) %in% toRemove),]
    print(paste0("Remove ", as.character(length(toRemove)), " samples."))
  if(margin == 2){
    data_withoutNa <- data[,!(colnames(data) %in% toRemove)]
    print(paste0("Remove ", as.character(length(toRemove)), " features"))

For help, we created two functions to calculate these ACC values and choose the best threshold based on the topology:

  • CCCalculation(): this function calculates the Clustering Coefficient (CC) for each node
  • ACCCalculation(); this function averages the CC for a network, in order to obtain the ACC
## CC calculation function
CCCalculation <- function(node, graph){
    #' Clustering Coefficient (CC) calculation
    #' Calculate the Clustering Coefficient (CC) for each node in a network
    #' @param node str.
    #' @param graph igraph. Network object (e.g. the fused network object)
    #' @return Return the corresponding CC value
  degNode <- degree(graph = graph, v = node, loops = FALSE)
  if(degNode > 1){
    neighborNames <- neighbors(graph = graph, v = node)
    graph_s <- subgraph(graph = graph, vids = neighborNames)
    neighborNb <- sum(degree(graph_s, loops = FALSE))
    CC <- neighborNb / (degNode * (degNode-1))
  }else{CC <- 0}

## ACC calculation function
ACCCalculation <- function(graph){
    #' Average Clustering Coefficient (ACC) calculation
    #' It average the Clustering Coefficient (CC) of a network
    #' @param graph igraph. Network object (e.g. the fused network object)
    #' @return Return the corresponding ACC value
  nodes <- V(graph)
  ACC <- do.call(sum, lapply(nodes, CCCalculation, graph)) / length(nodes)

3 Choose your datasets

Choose the dataset on which you want to apply SNF!!

Different datasets are available. Note that each dataset has its specificity and some analysis steps should be adapted.

Four datasets are available: **Metagenomic** dataset from Tara Ocean (image from Sunagawa et al., 2015), **Breast cancer** dataset from TCGA (image from TCGA [website](https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/)), **CLL** dataset (Dietrich et al., 2018) and **tomato plant** dataset (figure from google image).

Figure 3.1: Four datasets are available: Metagenomic dataset from Tara Ocean (image from Sunagawa et al., 2015), Breast cancer dataset from TCGA (image from TCGA website), CLL dataset (Dietrich et al., 2018) and tomato plant dataset (figure from google image).

3.1 Metagenomic dataset from Tara Ocean project

To retrieve data: files are available in /shared/projects/tp_etbii_2024_165650/Networks/TaraOcean_mibiomics directory path in the IFB server.

  • dataset:

    • TARAoceans_proNOGS.cvs
    • TARAoceans_proPhylo.csv
  • metadata:

    • TARAoceans_metadata.csv

Samples come from eight oceans around the world (SPO: South Pacific Ocean, NAO: North Atlantic Ocean, IO: Indian Ocean, RS: Red Sea, MS: Mediterranean Sea, NPO: North Pacific Ocean, SO: Southern Ocean, SAO: South Atlantic Ocean).

Samples can come from different layers with different temperatures:

  • SRF: Surface Water Layer (0-5 meters)
  • DCM: Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (peak of chlorophyll, 0-600 meters)
  • MIX: Subsurface epipelagic Mixed Layer
  • MES(O): Mesopelagic zone (from 500/1000 meters)

In a previous analysis (Sunagawa et al., 2015), they identified a stratification mostly driven by the temperature rather than geography or other environmental factors.

We have two types of data:

  • orthologous genes: the relative abundance of groups of orthologous genes (OGs)
  • phylogenetic profil: counts of S16 rRNA

Does an integrative analysis of these two data types retrieve the stratification driver by the layers? Does it also find a geographical clustering?

Data are coming from: MiBiOmics gitlab.

3.2 Breast cancer dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas

To retrieve data:

  • dataset: using data("breast.TCGA") from the mixOmics R package

    • breast.TCGA$data.train$mirna
    • breast.TCGA$data.train$mrna
    • breast.TCGA$data.train$protein
  • metadata: using data("breast.TCGA") from the mixOmics R package

    • breast.TCGA$data.train$subtype

Human breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Breast tumors can be classified into several subtypes (PAM50 classification), according to the mRNA expression level (Sorlie et al., 2001). In this dataset, we have three subtypes:

  • Basal: considered more aggressive than LumA
  • Her2: tend to grow faster than LumA and can have a worse prognosis, but are usually successfully treated
  • LumA: tend to grow more slowly than other cancers, be lower grade, and have a good prognosis

We have three types of data:

  • mRNA: mRNA expression level
  • miRNA: microRNA expression level
  • protein: protein abundance

Does an integrative analysis of these three data types retrieve the classification of the breast cancer? Or find another classification?

Data are coming from the mixOmics R package. The full data can be downloaded here.

3.3 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) dataset

To retrieve data:

  • dataset: using data("CLL_data") from the MOFAdata R package

    • CLL_data_t$Drugs
    • CLL_data_t$Methylation
    • CLL_data_t$mRNA
    • CLL_data_t$Mutations
  • metadata: file is available in /shared/projects/tp_etbii_2024_165650/Networks/CLL directory path in the IFB server.

    • sample_metadata.txt

The Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) is type of blood and bone marrow cancer. The full data are explained in Dietrich et al., 2018 and available here.

We have four types of data:

  • mRNA: transcriptom expression level
  • methylation: DNA methylation assays
  • drug: drug response measurements
  • mutation: sommatic mutation status

3.4 Tomato plant dataset

To retrieve data: files are available in /shared/projects/tp_etbii_2024_165650/Networks/Tomato directory path in the IFB server.

  • dataset:

    • mrna.tsv
    • prots.tsv
  • metadata:

    • samples_metadata.tsv

In order to study the protein turnover in developing tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) in Belouah et al., two omics data types were collected:

  • transcript data: gene abundance
  • protein data: protein abundance

Each data type was collected in nine different developmental stages: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, GR5, GR6, GR7, GR8 and GR9. For each developmental stages, we have three replicates.

Does an integrative analysis of these data types retrieve the different developmental stages?

Data are coming from Belouah et al., 2019.

4 Tara Ocean dataset

4.1 Input data

The metagenomic dataset from the Tara Ocean project contains 2 data types:

  • orthologous genes: the relative abundance of groups of orthologous genes (OGs)
  • phylogenetic profil: the counts of S16 rRNA

Data files are available in /shared/projects/tp_etbii_2024_165650/Networks/TaraOcean_mibiomics directory path in the IFB server.

4.1.1 Load dataset

First, we load the data type from TARAoceans_proNOGS.cvs and TARAoceans_proPhylo.csv files. Orthologous genes (nog) data

The data file contains header (head = TRUE) and the first column contains row names (row.names = 1). Below, the first rows and columns are displayed.

tara_nog <- read.table(file = "../00_Data/TaraOcean_mibiomics/TARAoceans_proNOGS.csv", sep = ",", head = TRUE, row.names = 1)
tara_nog[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##              NOG317682    NOG135470 NOG85325    NOG285859    NOG147792
## TARA_109_SRF         0 2.390962e-05        0 4.663604e-08 1.800215e-07
## TARA_149_MES         0 4.339824e-06        0 5.182915e-07 4.190123e-06
## TARA_110_MES         0 1.348252e-05        0 6.000043e-07 2.218342e-07
## TARA_102_MES         0 6.380711e-06        0 3.816016e-07 0.000000e+00
## TARA_142_SRF         0 9.484144e-06        0 6.437103e-08 1.132431e-06

Dimensions of the data.

## [1] 139 638

The nog data contain 139 samples (rows) and 638 features (columns). Data are in the right shape: samples in rows and features in columns. Phylogentic profil (phy) data

The data file contains header (head = TRUE) and the first column contains row names (row.names = 1). Below, the first rows and columns are displayed.

tara_phy <- read.table(file = "../00_Data/TaraOcean_mibiomics/TARAoceans_proPhylo.csv", sep = ",", head = TRUE, row.names = 1)
tara_phy[c(1:5), c(1:3)]
##              EU638706.1.1353 JN537192.1.1500 CAFJ01000195.23.1515
## TARA_109_SRF               0               0                    0
## TARA_149_MES               0               0                    0
## TARA_110_MES               0               4                    0
## TARA_102_MES               0               1                    0
## TARA_142_SRF               0               3                    0

Number of rows in the data.

## [1] 139

Number of columns in the data.

## [1] 356

The phy data contain 139 samples (rows) and 356 features (columns). Data are in the right shape: samples in rows and features in columns.

4.1.2 Load metadata

The TARAoceans_metadata.csv file contains metadata. It contains header (head = TRUE) and row names (row.names = 1).

tara_metadata <- read.table(file = "../00_Data/TaraOcean_mibiomics/TARAoceans_metadata.csv", sep = ",", head = TRUE, row.names = 1)
##              ocean depth
## TARA_109_SRF   SPO   SRF
## TARA_149_MES   NAO   MES
## TARA_110_MES   SPO   MES
## TARA_102_MES   SPO   MES
## TARA_142_SRF   NAO   SRF
## TARA_109_DCM   SPO   DCM

The metadata contains two types of information: ocean and depth.

## [1] "ocean" "depth"

Samples come from 8 oceans.

## [1] "SPO" "NAO" "IO"  "SO"  "SAO" "NPO" "RS"  "MS"

Samples were collected in 4 different depths.

## [1] "SRF" "MES" "DCM" "MIX"

4.1.3 Missing data

The data don’t contain missing values. We can go to the following steps.

## 88682
## 49484

4.1.4 Scaling

We assume that data have been already prepared and normalized. nog data

Nog data are scaled: each column will scaled to have the mean equals to zero and the standard deviation equals to one.

tara_nog_scaled <- standardNormalization(tara_nog)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(as.matrix(tara_nog), nclass = 100, main = "Orthologous genes - Prepared data", xlab = "values")
hist(tara_nog_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "Orthologous genes - Scaled data", xlab = "values")

Before scaling, data values are almost all closed to zero. After scaling, data values seem to follow something close to a normal distribution. Data values are centered to zero. phy data

Phy data are scaled: each column will scaled to have the mean equals to zero and the standard deviation equals to one.

tara_phy_scaled <- standardNormalization(tara_phy)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(as.matrix(tara_phy), nclass = 100, main = "Phylogenetic profile - Prepared data", xlab = "values")
hist(tara_phy_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "Phylogenetic profile - Scaled data", xlab = "values")

This kind of data are sparse: there are a lot of zero values. Majority of the values are in the first range on the histogram. After scaling, data values seem to follow something close to a normal distribution. Data values are centered to zero.

4.2 Similarity network

In this part, we create the similarity network for each data type.

4.2.1 Distance calculation

We calculate the Euclidean distance between each pair of samples for each type of data.

tara_nog_dist <- dist2(tara_nog_scaled, tara_nog_scaled)
tara_phy_dist <- dist2(tara_phy_scaled, tara_phy_scaled)

The distance matrix dimensions are 139 rows and 139 columns. Indeed, we calculated pairwise distance, so the matrix contains samples in rows and in columns.

## [1] 139 139

The diagonal is composed of zero values (or values very closed). Indeed, there is no distance between the same sample.

tara_nog_dist[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##              TARA_109_SRF TARA_149_MES TARA_110_MES TARA_102_MES TARA_142_SRF
## TARA_109_SRF 1.705303e-13     536.8095     329.8441 5.991295e+02     646.4804
## TARA_149_MES 5.368095e+02       0.0000     261.2395 3.325547e+02     738.4168
## TARA_110_MES 3.298441e+02     261.2395       0.0000 2.078134e+02     638.5818
## TARA_102_MES 5.991295e+02     332.5547     207.8134 2.273737e-13     877.6855
## TARA_142_SRF 6.464804e+02     738.4168     638.5818 8.776855e+02       0.0000

High distance values mean that samples are not similar. And small distance values mean that samples are similar.

4.2.2 Similarity calculation

The distance matrix is then transformed into similarity matrix for each data type. We set two parameters:

  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • sigma = 0.5: hyperparameter
K <- 20
signma <- 0.5

The affinityMatrix() function transforms the distance into similarity according the distance with the nearest neighbors.

tara_nog_W <- affinityMatrix(tara_nog_dist, K, signma)
tara_phy_W <- affinityMatrix(tara_phy_dist, K, signma)

The following figures are the heatmap of the similarity matrix (W) of each data type. The left heatmap are the nog data and the right heatmap are the phy data. Samples are clustered using hierarchical clustering. For a better visualization, we log-transform similarities.

pheatmap(log(tara_nog_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tara_metadata, main = "Orthologous genes - log10-transformed similarity values")
pheatmap(log(tara_phy_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tara_metadata, main = "Phylogenetic profil - log10-transformed similarity values")

Red color means a high similarity value between two samples whereas blue color means a small similarity value between two samples.

The two heatmaps are different. Data seem to probably carry different type of information about the samples:

  • for the nog data (left), we can see two main groups of samples. Each group seems to be composed of the same ocean depth. It’s not clear for the ocean regions.
  • for the phy data (right), we do not identify clear groups. But, samples seem to be group by the depth too.

4.3 Fusion

We created a similarity matrix for each data type. We saw that each network carries common information and its own information. Now, we will integrate all this information into only one fused similarity matrix.

4.3.1 Create the fused similarity matrix

We create the fused similarity matrix using these three parameters:

  • list that contains the nog and phy similarity matrices
  • K = 20: number of the nearest neighbors
  • T = 10: number of iterations
K <- 20
T <- 10
tara_W <- SNF(list(tara_nog_W, tara_phy_W), K, T)
tara_W[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##              TARA_109_SRF TARA_149_MES TARA_110_MES TARA_102_MES TARA_142_SRF
## TARA_109_SRF 5.000000e-01 9.778842e-05 0.0002535809 0.0004410605 0.0019200171
## TARA_149_MES 9.778842e-05 5.000000e-01 0.0129882372 0.0126485110 0.0004977051
## TARA_110_MES 2.535809e-04 1.298824e-02 0.5000000000 0.0266185584 0.0029147232
## TARA_102_MES 4.410605e-04 1.264851e-02 0.0266185584 0.5000000000 0.0009179439
## TARA_142_SRF 1.920017e-03 4.977051e-04 0.0029147232 0.0009179439 0.5000000000

The dimension of the fused similarity matrix are 139 rows and 139 columns, such as the previous similarity matrices. The fused similarity matrix contains similarities between samples, we can also called them weights.

The fused similarity matrix contains 19321 weights.

## [1] 19321

The fused similarity matrix doesn’t contain zero:

length(tara_W[length(tara_W) == 0])
## [1] 0

The following figure is the heatmap of the fused similarity matrix. Samples are automatically clustered with a hierarchical clustering. Weights are log-transformed for a better visualization.

pheatmap(log(tara_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tara_metadata, main = "Tara Ocean data - log10-transformed fused similarity matrix")

Groups are more clearly defined in this fused similarity matrix. One corresponds to the depth MESO and other to a mix of DCM and SRF. The fused similarity matrix seems to be a mix of each similarity data type matrix.

4.3.2 Visualized the fused similarity network

Now, we create a fused similarity network from the fused similarity matrix. Self loops are remove (diag = FALSE) and only the upper values of the matrix are taken (mode = "upper", avoid duplicate information).

tara_W_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tara_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)

Then, the fused similarity network is saved into a the TaraOcean_W_edgeList.txt file:

write.table(as_data_frame(tara_W_net), "../02_Results/01_TaraOcean/TaraOcean_W_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
This files is loaded into Cytoscape. The Figure 4.1 shows the fused similarity network of the Tara Ocean dataset.
The fused similarity network of the Tara Ocean dataset.

Figure 4.1: The fused similarity network of the Tara Ocean dataset.

According to Cytoscape, the network contains 139 samples (nodes) and 9591 connections (edges). The number of edges is smaller than in the similarity matrix because in the similarity matrix the weights are duplicates. The similarity matrix contains also the weights for each sample compare to itself (self loops).

For now, the network is fully connected: each sample is connected to every sample. Connections between samples are weights: some connections are strong (samples are similar) some other are weak (samples are not similar).

4.4 Threshold selection

So in this section, we will choose a threshold to keep the strongest connections.

4.4.1 Fused similarity network Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tara_weights <- edge.attributes(tara_W_net)$weight
hist(tara_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tara_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(0.001, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a binomial distribution. We would probably like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 0.001 With this threshold, we select 6440 connections. Mean and third quantile

We calculate the median of the weights.

tara_W_median <- median(x = tara_weights)
## [1] 0.002143026

With the mean (0.002143) as threshold, we select 4796 connections.

## [1] 4796

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

tara_W_q75 <- quantile(x = tara_weights, 0.75)
##         75% 
## 0.004119391

With the third quantile (0.0041194) as threshold, we select 2398 connections.

## [1] 2398

In the following figure, we display the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(tara_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tara_W_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tara_W_median, 10), 400, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tara_W_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tara_W_q75, 10), 400, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 0.0000570 0.0004456 0.0021613 0.0071942 0.0042193 0.5000000

We set the range between 0 and 0.0005.

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.1, 0.0005)
## [1] 201

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tara_W_ACC <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, net){
  net_sub <- subgraph.edges(net, E(net)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(net_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(net_sub)))
}, tara_W_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

plot(x = tara_W_ACC$thresholds, y = tara_W_ACC$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = tara_W_ACC$thresholds[1], y = tara_W_ACC$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tara_W_ACC$thresholds[21], y = tara_W_ACC$ACC[21], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], y = tara_W_ACC$ACC[29], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
abline(v = tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], col = "purple")
text(tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], 0.7, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29]), col = "purple")
text(tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], 0.6, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  round(tara_W_ACC$ACC[29], 2)), col = "purple")
plot(x = tara_W_ACC$thresholds, y = tara_W_ACC$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], col = "purple")
text(tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], 2800, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29]), col = "purple")
text(tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], 2000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  round(tara_W_ACC$ACC[29], 2)), col = "purple")
text(tara_W_ACC$thresholds[29], 1200, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tara_W_ACC[29, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 4.2: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 404 edges. It could be not enough edges. Let’s see during the visualization.

## [1] 0.014 Visualization using Cytoscape

The network visualization on the left was created with the third quantile (0.0041194). The network visualization on the right was created with the ACC method (0.014).

The fused network of the Tara Ocean dataset.The fused network of the Tara Ocean dataset.

Figure 4.3: The fused network of the Tara Ocean dataset.

The left network contains lot of edges and it’s difficult to see clear connection between samples. Nevertheless, we can see two groups of samples. It could be interesting to color the nodes with the depth information.

This trend is also shows in the right network. Moreover, ocean samples seem to be groups together.

Network visualizations are available in the TARAocean_cytoscape.cys file.

4.4.2 Orthologous gene data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tara_nog_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tara_nog_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tara_nog_net), "../02_Results/01_TaraOcean/TaraOcean_nog_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tara_weights <- edge.attributes(tara_nog_net)$weight
hist(tara_weights, nclass = 100, main = "nog similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tara_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "nog similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(1.584893e-05, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a kind of normal distribution. We would probably like to cut in the middle of the peak, or just before or after. If we cut in the middle, the corresponding weight is: 1.584893e-05. With this threshold, we select 6666 connections. Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median.

tara_nog_median <- median(x = tara_weights)
## [1] 2.876783e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(tara_weights[tara_weights >= tara_nog_median])
## [1] 4796

Calculate the third quantile.

tara_nog_q75 <- quantile(x = tara_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 8.505716e-05

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold:

length(tara_weights[tara_weights >= tara_nog_q75])
## [1] 2398

The following figures show where are these two threshold in the weight distribution.

hist(log(tara_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "nog weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tara_nog_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tara_nog_median, 10), 350, pos = 4, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tara_nog_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tara_nog_q75, 10), 250, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine the range of the threshold, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 2.822e-06 1.339e-05 2.877e-05 1.190e-04 8.506e-05 1.208e-02

We define the threshold range to try.

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.008, 0.00005)
## [1] 161

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tara_nog_ACC <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, tara_nog_net))
## ACC
plot(x = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds, y = tara_nog_ACC$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC of orthologous gene data", type = "o")
points(x = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[1], y = tara_nog_ACC$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[9], y = tara_nog_ACC$ACC[9], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], y = tara_nog_ACC$ACC[10], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
abline(v = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], col = "purple")
text(tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], 0.8, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10]), col = "purple")
text(tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], 0.7, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  round(tara_nog_ACC$ACC[10], 2)), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds, y = tara_nog_ACC$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "Edge number of orthologous genes data", type = "o")
abline(v = tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], col = "purple")
text(tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], 2800, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10]), col = "purple")
text(tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], 2000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  round(tara_nog_ACC$ACC[10], 2)), col = "purple")
text(tara_nog_ACC$thresholds[10], 1200, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tara_nog_ACC[10, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 4.4: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 0.00045

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 472

Network visualizations are available in the TARAocean_cytoscape.cys file.

4.4.3 Phylogenetic profil data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tara_phy_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tara_phy_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tara_phy_net), "../02_Results/01_TaraOcean/TaraOcean_phy_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tara_weights <- edge.attributes(tara_phy_net)$weight
hist(tara_phy_W, nclass = 100, main = "phy similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tara_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "phy similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(3.162278e-05, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

Number of connections:

length(tara_weights[tara_weights>= 3.162278e-05])
## [1] 5188 Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median.

tara_phy_median <- median(x = tara_weights)
## [1] 3.538224e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(tara_weights[tara_weights>= tara_phy_median])
## [1] 4796

Calculate the third quantile.

tara_phy_q75 <- quantile(x = tara_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 7.762902e-05

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold.

length(tara_weights[tara_weights>= tara_phy_q75])
## [1] 2398

The following figure show where are these two threshold in the weight distribution.

hist(log(tara_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "phy similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tara_phy_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tara_phy_median, 10), 370, pos = 4, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tara_phy_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tara_phy_q75, 10), 250, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

We define the threshold range to try.

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.008, 0.00005)
## [1] 161
tara_phy_ACC <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, tara_phy_net))
## ACC
plot(x = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds, y = tara_phy_ACC$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC of phylogenetic profil data", type = "o")
points(x = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[1], y = tara_phy_ACC$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[17], y = tara_phy_ACC$ACC[17], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], y = tara_phy_ACC$ACC[22], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
abline(v = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], col = "purple")
text(tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], 0.9, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22]), col = "purple")
text(tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], 0.85, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  round(tara_phy_ACC$ACC[22], 2)), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds, y = tara_phy_ACC$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "Edge number of phylogenetic profil data", type = "o")
abline(v = tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], col = "purple")
text(tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], 2800, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22]), col = "purple")
text(tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], 2000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  round(tara_phy_ACC$ACC[22], 2)), col = "purple")
text(tara_phy_ACC$thresholds[22], 1200, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tara_phy_ACC[22, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 4.5: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 0.00105

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 120

Network visualizations are available in the TARAocean_cytoscape.cys file.

4.5 Downstream analysis

4.5.1 Clustering

Samples are clustered together according to their similarity. According to our data and the information we have, we choose 4 and 8 clusters. Indeed, data are coming from four different depths and eight different oceans. With 4 clusters

C <- 4 
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(tara_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(tara_W) 
tara_dataGroups4 <- merge(tara_metadata, group, by = 0) With 8 clusters

C <- 8
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(tara_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(tara_W) 
tara_dataGroups8 <- merge(tara_metadata, group, by = 0) Save results

Results are saved into the same file.

clusters <- merge(x = tara_dataGroups4, y = tara_dataGroups8[c(1,4)], by = "Row.names", suffixes = c("_4clusters", "_8clusters"))
write.table(clusters, "../02_Results/01_TaraOcean/TaraOcean_clusters.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

4.5.2 Visualization with Cytoscape

These are two examples of network visualization for the Tara ocean dataset.

**Left network**: edge weights > 0.014 and node color according ocean. **Right network**: edge weights > 0.014 and node color according the depth.**Left network**: edge weights > 0.014 and node color according ocean. **Right network**: edge weights > 0.014 and node color according the depth.

Figure 4.6: Left network: edge weights > 0.014 and node color according ocean. Right network: edge weights > 0.014 and node color according the depth.

  • Node color represents:
    • the ocean (left network)
    • the depth (right network)
  • Node label are the sample names.
  • Edge color represents the data type contribution for each edge.

We can see a high connected subnetwork on the left, connected to a sparser subnetwork on the right. The highly connected subnetwork corresponds to the MES samples (deeper layer) and the other subnetwork to DCM and SRF (surface layers).

Samples from the same ocean seem to be grouped together. We can’t see this stratification if we analysis one type of data alone.

5 Breast cancer dataset

The breast cancer dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) contains 3 data types:

  • mRNA: mRNA expression level
  • miRNA: microRNA expression level
  • protein: protein abundance

Data are available in the R package mixOmics. The metadata are also available in this package.

5.1 Input data

5.1.1 Load dataset

We load the breast cancer dataset:


The breast.TCGA object contains 3 types of data and one metadata:

## [1] "mirna"   "mrna"    "protein" "subtype"

Dimensions of the data are different:

lapply(breast.TCGA$data.train, dim)
## $mirna
## [1] 150 184
## $mrna
## [1] 150 200
## $protein
## [1] 150 142
## $subtype

Data are extracted into single data frame:

tcga_mirna = breast.TCGA$data.train$mirna
tcga_mrna = breast.TCGA$data.train$mrna
tcga_prot = breast.TCGA$data.train$protein
  • the tcga_miRNA data contain 150 samples in rows and 184 features in columns.
  • the tcga_mRNA data contain 150 samples in rows and 200 features in columns.
  • the tcga_prot data contain 150 samples in rows and 142 features in columns.

Data are already well shaped.

tcga_mrna[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##          RTN2    NDRG2  CCDC113   FAM63A    ACADS
## A0FJ 4.362183 7.533461 3.956124 4.457170 2.256817
## A13E 1.984492 7.455194 5.427623 5.440957 4.028813
## A0G0 1.727323 8.079968 2.227300 5.543480 2.629855
## A0SX 4.363996 5.793750 3.544866 4.737114 4.269101
## A143 2.447562 7.158993 4.691256 4.808728 2.442135

5.1.2 Load metadata

We extract metadat from the breast.TCGA$data.train object.

tcga_metadata = breast.TCGA$data.train$subtype

The metadata contain the subtype of the breast cancer for each sample.

## [1] Basal Basal Basal Basal Basal Basal
## Levels: Basal Her2 LumA

For each subtype, there are 45, 30 and 75 samples:

## Basal  Her2  LumA 
##    45    30    75

Metadata should be stored in a data frame:

tcga_metadata_df <- data.frame("subtype" = tcga_metadata)
row.names(tcga_metadata_df) <- row.names(tcga_mirna)

We save the metadata into a file. This file will be useful for the visualization.

write.table(tcga_metadata_df, "../02_Results/03_BreastTCGA/TCGA_metadata.txt", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA, sep = "\t")

5.1.3 Missing data

Data don’t contain missing value. We can go to the following steps.

## 27600
## 30000
## 21300

5.1.4 Scaling

We assume that data have been already prepared and normalized. miRNA data

miRNA data are scaled: each column will scaled to have the mean equals to zero and the standard deviation equals to one.

tcga_mirna_scaled <- standardNormalization(x = tcga_mirna)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(tcga_mirna, nclass = 100, main = "TCGA miRNA data - Data distribution before scaling", xlab = "values")
hist(tcga_mirna_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "TCGA miRNA data - Data distribution after scaling", xlab = "scaled values")

After scaling, data values seem to follow a normal distribution. Data values are centered to zero. mRNA data

mrna data are scaled:

tcga_mrna_scaled <- standardNormalization(x = tcga_mrna)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(tcga_mrna, nclass = 100, main = "TCGA mRNA data - Data distribution before scaling", xlab = "values")
hist(tcga_mrna_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "TCGA mRNA data - Data distribution after scaling", xlab = "scaled values")

After scaling, data values seem to follow a normal distribution. Data values are centered to zero. Protein data

Protein data are scaled:

tcga_prot_scaled <- standardNormalization(x = tcga_prot)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(tcga_prot, nclass = 100, main = "TCGA proteomic data - Data distribution before scaling", xlab = "values")
hist(tcga_prot_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "TCGA proteomic data - Data distribution after scaling", xlab = "scaled values")

The protein data seem to be already scaled. So for the following steps, we will used tcga_prot variable.

5.2 Similarity network

In this part, we create the similarity network for each data type.

5.2.1 Distance calculation

We calculate the Euclidean distance between each pair of samples for each type of data.

tcga_mirna_dist <- dist2(tcga_mirna_scaled, tcga_mirna_scaled)
tcga_mrna_dist <- dist2(tcga_mrna_scaled, tcga_mrna_scaled)
tcga_prot_dist <- dist2(tcga_prot, tcga_prot)

Distance matrices have 150 rows and 150 columns. We calculated pairwise distance, so the matrix has samples in rows and in columns.

## [1] 150 150

The diagonal of the distance matrix contains the distance between sample and itself. So the distance is equal (or very close) to zero.

tcga_mirna_dist[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##          A0FJ         A13E     A0G0     A0SX     A143
## A0FJ   0.0000 3.150041e+02 271.9832 203.1437 513.4011
## A13E 315.0041 5.684342e-14 391.9542 291.6305 421.5542
## A0G0 271.9832 3.919542e+02   0.0000 243.1119 344.3791
## A0SX 203.1437 2.916305e+02 243.1119   0.0000 413.7339
## A143 513.4011 4.215542e+02 344.3791 413.7339   0.0000

High distance values mean that samples are not similar. And small distance values mean that samples are similar.

5.2.2 Similarity calculation

The distance matrix is then transformed into similarity matrix for each data type. We set two parameters:

  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • signma = 0.5: hyperparameter
K <- 20
sigma <- 0.5

The affinityMatrix() function transforms the distance into similarity according the distance with the nearest neighbors.

tcga_mirna_W <- affinityMatrix(tcga_mirna_dist, K, sigma)
tcga_mrna_W <- affinityMatrix(tcga_mrna_dist, K, sigma)
tcga_prot_W <- affinityMatrix(tcga_prot_dist, K, sigma)

The following figures are the heatmap of the similarity matrix (W) of each data type. Samples are clustered using hierarchical clustering. For a better visualization, we log-transform similarities.

pheatmap(log(tcga_mirna_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tcga_metadata_df, main = "TCGA miRNA data")
pheatmap(log(tcga_mrna_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tcga_metadata_df, main = "TCGA mRNA data")
pheatmap(log(tcga_prot_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tcga_metadata_df, main = "TCGA proteomic data")
TCGA dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmapTCGA dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmapTCGA dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmap

Figure 5.1: TCGA dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmap

Red color means a high similarity value between two samples whereas blue color means a small similarity value between two samples.

Heatmaps are different between data types.

  • for miRNA data (top left), there are several groups of samples. Two of them are very different (basal vs lumA)
  • for mRNA data (top right), we can see two different groups (basal vs lumA)
  • for protein data (bottom), samples are grouped by their cancer subtypes.

5.3 Fusion

We created a similarity matrix for each data type. We saw that each network carries common information and its own information. Now, we will integrate all this information into only one fused similarity matrix.

5.3.1 Create the fused similarity matrix

We create the fused similarity matrix using these three parameters:

  • list that contains the miRNA, mRNA and pro similarity matrices
  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • T = 10: number of iterations
K = 20
T = 10
tcga_W <- SNF(list(tcga_mirna_W, tcga_mrna_W, tcga_prot_W), K, T)
tcga_W[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##             A0FJ        A13E        A0G0        A0SX        A143
## A0FJ 0.500000000 0.014525731 0.015552881 0.013856749 0.006897882
## A13E 0.014525731 0.500000000 0.015887769 0.008857892 0.006463031
## A0G0 0.015552881 0.015887769 0.500000000 0.003744441 0.011143993
## A0SX 0.013856749 0.008857892 0.003744441 0.500000000 0.003083092
## A143 0.006897882 0.006463031 0.011143993 0.003083092 0.500000000

The dimensions of the fused network are 150 rows and 150 columns, such as the previous similarity matrices. The fused similarity matrix contains similarities between samples, we can also called them weights.

The fused similarity matrix contains 22500 weights.

## [1] 22500

The fused similarity matrix doesn’t contain zero.

table(tcga_W == 0)
## 22500

The following figure is the heatmap of the fused similarity matrix. Samples are automatically clustered with a hierarchical clustering. Weights are log-transformed for a better visualization.

pheatmap(log(tcga_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tcga_metadata_df, main = "TCGA - Fused similarity matrix W")

Read color means a high similarity between samples. Blue color means a small similarity between samples.

In this heatmap, samples seem to be well clustered, according the cancer subtype. Basal samples are very different from LumA samples.

5.3.2 Visualize the fused similarity network

Now, we create a fused similarity network from the fused similarity matrix. Self loops are remove (diag = FALSE) and only the upper values of the matrix are taken (mode = "upper", avoid duplicate information).

tcga_W_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tcga_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)

Then, the fused similarity network is saved into a the TCGA_W_edgeList.txt file:

write.table(as_data_frame(tcga_W_net), "../02_Results/03_BreastTCGA/TCGA_W_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
This files is loaded into Cytoscape. The Figure 5.2 shows the fused similarity network of the Tara Ocean dataset.
Fused similarity network of the breast cancer dataset. Visualization using Cytoscape.

Figure 5.2: Fused similarity network of the breast cancer dataset. Visualization using Cytoscape.

According Cytoscape, the fused similarity network contains 150 nodes (samples) and 11175 edges (connections) between samples. The connections number is smaller in Cytoscape. Indeed, in the similarity matrix weights are duplicates. The similarity matrix contains also the weights for each sample compare to itself (self loops).

For now, the fused similarity network is fully connected: each sample is connected to every other samples. Connections between samples are weighted: some connections are strong (samples are similar) and some other are weak (samples are not similar).

5.4 Threshold selection

In this section, we will determine a threshold to select the strongest connections between samples.

5.4.1 Fused similarity network Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tcga_weights <- edge.attributes(tcga_W_net)$weight
hist(tcga_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(0.0039, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a binomial distribution. We would probably like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 0.0039. With this threshold, we select 3198 connections. Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median of the weights:

tcga_W_median <- median(x = tcga_weights)
## [1] 0.001811571

With the mean (0.0018116) as threshold, we select 5588 connections.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_W_median])
## [1] 5588

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

tcga_W_q75 <- quantile(x = tcga_weights, 0.75)
##         75% 
## 0.004639675

With the third quantile (0.0046397) as threshold, we select 2794 connections.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_W_q75])
## [1] 2794

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tcga_W_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_W_median, 10), 160, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tcga_W_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_W_q75, 10), 160, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 0.0001333 0.0006946 0.0018320 0.0066667 0.0047588 0.5000000

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.02, 0.0002)
## [1] 101

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tcga_ACC_W <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, tcga_W_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = tcga_ACC_W$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_W$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[1], y = tcga_ACC_W$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[55], y = tcga_ACC_W$ACC[55], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], y = tcga_ACC_W$ACC[58], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_W$ACC[58]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = tcga_ACC_W$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_W$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], 6000, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_W$ACC[58]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_W$thresholds[58], 4000, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tcga_ACC_W[58, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 5.3: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

We don’t have obvious and clear local maxima with this dataset.

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 598 edges. It could be not enough edges. Let’s see during the visualization.

## [1] 0.0114 Visualization using Cytoscape

The network visualization on the left was created with the third quantile (0.0046397). The network visualization on the right was created with the ACC method (0.0114).

The left network contains lot of edges and it’s difficult to see clear connection between samples. Nevertheless, we can see that LumA samples are not connected (very few edges) to the Basal samples.

This trend is also shows in the right network. Samples from the same cancer subtypes are connected together.

The two representations could be interesting. Network visualizations are available in the TCGA_cytoscape.cys file.

5.4.2 miRNA data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tcga_mirna_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tcga_mirna_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tcga_mirna_net), "../02_Results/03_BreastTCGA/TCGA_miRNA_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tcga_weights <- edge.attributes(tcga_mirna_net)$weight
hist(tcga_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(0.0001, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a kind of normal distribution. We would probably like to cut in the middle of the peak, or just before or after. If we cut in the middle, the corresponding weight is: 0.0001. With this threshold, we select 5011 connections. Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median of the weights:

tcga_mirna_median <- median(x = tcga_weights)
## [1] 8.421742e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_mirna_median])
## [1] 5588

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

tcga_mirna_q75 <- quantile(x = tcga_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 0.0001979659

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold:

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_mirna_q75])
## [1] 2794

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tcga_mirna_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_mirna_median, 10), 400, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tcga_mirna_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_mirna_q75, 10), 400, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 3.300e-07 3.072e-05 8.514e-05 2.002e-04 2.020e-04 1.077e-02

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.002, 0.00002)
## [1] 101

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tcga_ACC_mirna <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, tcga_mirna_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_mirna$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[1], y = tcga_ACC_mirna$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[38], y = tcga_ACC_mirna$ACC[38], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], y = tcga_ACC_mirna$ACC[41], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_mirna$ACC[41]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_mirna$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], 6000, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_mirna$ACC[41]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mirna$thresholds[41], 4500, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tcga_ACC_mirna[41, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 5.4: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 8e-04

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 249

Network visualizations are available in the TCGA_cytoscape.cys file.

5.4.3 mRNA data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tcga_mrna_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tcga_mrna_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tcga_mrna_net), "../02_Results/03_BreastTCGA/TCGA_mRNA_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tcga_weights <- edge.attributes(tcga_mrna_net)$weight
hist(tcga_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(0.0001, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a binomial distribution. We would probably like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 0.0001. With this threshold, we select 4702 connections. Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median of the weights:

tcga_mrna_median <- median(x = tcga_weights)
## [1] 7.506899e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_mrna_median])
## [1] 5588

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

tcga_mrna_q75 <- quantile(x = tcga_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 0.0001834747

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_mrna_q75])
## [1] 2794

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tcga_mrna_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_mrna_median, 10) - 0.2, 380, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tcga_mrna_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_mrna_q75, 10), 380, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
##  0.007847  4.002122  5.172385  5.255571  6.389464 12.980562

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.0025, 0.00002)
## [1] 126

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tcga_ACC_mrna <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, tcga_mrna_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_mrna$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[1], y = tcga_ACC_mrna$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[54], y = tcga_ACC_mrna$ACC[54], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], y = tcga_ACC_mrna$ACC[56], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_mrna$ACC[56]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_mrna$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], 6000, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_mrna$ACC[56]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_mrna$thresholds[56], 4500, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tcga_ACC_mrna[56, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 5.5: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

We don’t have obvious and clear local maxima with this dataset.

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 0.0011

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 68

Network visualizations are available in the TCGA_cytoscape.cys file.

5.4.4 Protein data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tcga_prot_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tcga_prot_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tcga_prot_net), "../02_Results/03_BreastTCGA/TCGA_prot_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tcga_weights <- edge.attributes(tcga_prot_net)$weight
hist(tcga_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(7.943282e-05, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a binomial distribution. We would probably like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 7.943282e-05. With this threshold, we select 6814 connections. Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median of the weights:

tcga_prot_median <- median(x = tcga_weights)
## [1] 0.0001414766

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_prot_median])
## [1] 5588

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

tcga_prot_q75 <- quantile(x = tcga_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 0.0005063203

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold.

length(tcga_weights[tcga_weights >= tcga_prot_q75])
## [1] 2794

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(tcga_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tcga_prot_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_prot_median, 10), 280, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tcga_prot_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tcga_prot_q75, 10), 260, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## -5.98579 -0.22688  0.00000  0.03095  0.26711  6.63490

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.01, 0.0001)
## [1] 101

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tcga_ACC_prot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, tcga_prot_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_prot$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[1], y = tcga_ACC_prot$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[36], y = tcga_ACC_prot$ACC[36], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], y = tcga_ACC_prot$ACC[39], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_prot$ACC[39]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds, y = tcga_ACC_prot$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], 6000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tcga_ACC_prot$ACC[39]), col = "purple")
text(tcga_ACC_prot$thresholds[39], 4500, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tcga_ACC_prot[39, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 5.6: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 0.0038

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 186

Network visualizations are available in the TCGA_cytoscape.cys file.

5.5 Downstream analysis

5.5.1 Clustering

Samples are clustered together according to their similarity.We know that there are three breast cancer subtypes in the dataset. So we decide to perform a clustering with three and four clusters. With 3 clusters

C <- 3
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(tcga_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(tcga_W) 
tcga_dataGroups3 <- merge(tcga_metadata_df, group, by = 0) With 4 clusters

C <- 4
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(tcga_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(tcga_W) 
tcga_dataGroups4 <- merge(tcga_metadata_df, group, by = 0) Save results

Results are saved into the same file.

clusters <- merge(x = tcga_dataGroups3, y = tcga_dataGroups4[-2], by = "Row.names", suffixes = c("_3clusters", "_4clusters"))
write.table(clusters, "../02_Results/03_BreastTCGA/TCGA_clusters.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

5.5.2 Visualization with Cytoscape

These are two examples of network visualization for the breast cancer dataset.

**Left network**: edge weights > 0.011 and node color according cancer subtypes. **Right network**: edge weights > 0.011 and node color according clustering results.**Left network**: edge weights > 0.011 and node color according cancer subtypes. **Right network**: edge weights > 0.011 and node color according clustering results.

Figure 5.7: Left network: edge weights > 0.011 and node color according cancer subtypes. Right network: edge weights > 0.011 and node color according clustering results.

  • Node color represents
    • the cancer subtypes (left network)
    • the clustering results (right network), we selected three clusters.
  • Node label are the sample names.
  • Edge color represents the data type contribution for each edge.

We can see three interconnected groups. These groups are consistent with the cancer subtypes. We can also assign one cancer subtype per clusters, found by SNF.

Protein data support a lot of edges in this network. And miRNA and mRNA data seem to capture same kind of information (light green edges).

6 CLL dataset

The Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) dataset contains 4 data types:

  • mRNA: transcriptom expression level
  • methylation: DNA methylation assays
  • drug: drug response measurements
  • mutation: sommatic mutation status

Data are available in the R package MOFAdata. Metadata file is available in /shared/projects/tp_etbii_2024_165650/Networks/CLL directory path in the IFB server.

6.1 Input data

6.1.1 Load dataset

The CLL data are available in the MOFAdata R package.


The CLL_data object contains 4 types of data with different dimensions:

lapply(CLL_data, dim)
## $Drugs
## [1] 310 200
## $Methylation
## [1] 4248  200
## $mRNA
## [1] 5000  200
## $Mutations
## [1]  69 200

Rows are features (e.g. drug, genes) and columns are samples. There are 200 samples. We have to change the shape of the data.

CLL_data_t <- lapply(CLL_data, t)

Now, samples are in rows:

CLL_data_t$mRNA[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##      ENSG00000244734 ENSG00000158528 ENSG00000198478 ENSG00000175445
## H045        4.558644       11.741854        8.921456       12.686458
## H109        2.721512       13.287432        2.721512       10.925985
## H024        9.938456        2.341006       12.381452        1.528848
## H056       13.278004        3.232874        8.106266        1.528848
## H079        6.086874       11.940820        4.889503       13.340588
##      ENSG00000174469
## H045        2.644946
## H109       12.648355
## H024        1.528848
## H056       13.565210
## H079        5.476914

6.1.2 Load metadata

The sample_metadata.txt file contains metadata. It contains header (head = TRUE) and row names (row.names = 1).

CLL_metadata <- read.table("../00_Data/CLL/sample_metadata.txt", head = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)
##      Gender      age        TTT      TTD treatedAfter  died IGHV trisomy12
## H005      m 75.26575 0.57494867 2.625599         TRUE FALSE    1         0
## H006      m       NA         NA       NA           NA    NA   NA        NA
## H007      f       NA         NA       NA           NA    NA   NA        NA
## H008      m       NA         NA       NA           NA    NA   NA        NA
## H010      f 72.78082 2.93223819 2.932238        FALSE FALSE    0         0
## H011      f 72.99452 0.01916496 2.951403         TRUE FALSE    1         0

We have information for each sample about:

## [1] "Gender"       "age"          "TTT"          "TTD"          "treatedAfter"
## [6] "died"         "IGHV"         "trisomy12"

For visualization, columns should be numerical, logical or character.

## 'data.frame':    200 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ Gender      : chr  "m" "m" "f" "m" ...
##  $ age         : num  75.3 NA NA NA 72.8 ...
##  $ TTT         : num  0.575 NA NA NA 2.932 ...
##  $ TTD         : num  2.63 NA NA NA 2.93 ...
##  $ treatedAfter: logi  TRUE NA NA NA FALSE TRUE ...
##  $ died        : logi  FALSE NA NA NA FALSE FALSE ...
##  $ IGHV        : int  1 NA NA NA 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ trisomy12   : int  0 NA NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
CLL_metadata$died <- as.character(CLL_metadata$died)
CLL_metadata$IGHV <- as.character(CLL_metadata$IGHV)
CLL_metadata$trisomy12 <- as.character(CLL_metadata$trisomy12)

6.1.3 Missing data Drug data

Overview of the drug data:

CLL_data_t$Drugs[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##         D_001_1    D_001_2   D_001_3   D_001_4   D_001_5
## H045 0.02363938 0.04623274 0.3187471 0.8237027 0.8962777
## H109 0.07359900 0.10623002 0.2732891 0.7171379 0.8850003
## H024         NA         NA        NA        NA        NA
## H056 0.05813930 0.09022028 0.2322145 0.7225736 0.7957497
## H079 0.02042077 0.04750543 0.3638962 0.8073907 0.8794886

The CLL drug data contains missing data.

## 57040  4960 Methylation data

Overview of the methylation data:

CLL_data_t$Methylation[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##       cg10146935 cg26837773 cg17801765 cg13244315 cg06181703
## H045  1.81108585 -5.1725723  5.4115263 -0.1188251  5.1203838
## H109 -3.99750846  1.5948702  5.4126925  1.0438706  1.2794803
## H024 -2.84431298  0.1611705  0.3657059 -4.2192362  0.7211004
## H056 -3.33865611 -2.0934326  0.3736342 -1.5921965  4.0470594
## H079 -0.01936203  3.7489796  5.4120096  1.4164183  5.2374225

The CLL methylation data contains missing data.

## 832608  16992 mRNA data

Overview of the mRNA data:

CLL_data_t$mRNA[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##      ENSG00000244734 ENSG00000158528 ENSG00000198478 ENSG00000175445
## H045        4.558644       11.741854        8.921456       12.686458
## H109        2.721512       13.287432        2.721512       10.925985
## H024        9.938456        2.341006       12.381452        1.528848
## H056       13.278004        3.232874        8.106266        1.528848
## H079        6.086874       11.940820        4.889503       13.340588
##      ENSG00000174469
## H045        2.644946
## H109       12.648355
## H024        1.528848
## H056       13.565210
## H079        5.476914

The CLL mRNA data contains missing data.

## 680000 320000 Mutation data

Overview of the mutation data:

CLL_data_t$Mutations[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##      gain2p25.3 gain3q26 del6p21.2 del6q21 del8p12
## H045          0        0         0       0       0
## H109          0        0         0       0       0
## H024          0        0         0       0       0
## H056          0        0         0       0       0
## H079          1        0         0       0       0

The CLL mutation data contains missing data.

##  9141  4659 Remove missing data

We remove samples with at least one missing data in each data type using the NARemoving() function. We set:

  • margin = 1 because samples are in row
  • threshold = 0 because we don’t want missing data at all
CLL_drug <- NARemoving(data = CLL_data_t$Drugs, margin = 1, threshold = 0)
## [1] "Remove 16 samples."
CLL_meth <- NARemoving(data = CLL_data_t$Methylation, margin = 1, threshold = 0)
## [1] "Remove 4 samples."
CLL_mrna <- NARemoving(data = CLL_data_t$mRNA, margin = 1, threshold = 0)
## [1] "Remove 64 samples."
CLL_muta <- NARemoving(data = CLL_data_t$Mutations, margin = 1, threshold = 0)
## [1] "Remove 192 samples."

We decide to not use the mutation data because this data contains a lot of missing data. Data types need to have the same set of samples.

sampleNames <- Reduce(intersect, list(rownames(CLL_drug), rownames(CLL_meth), rownames(CLL_mrna)))
CLL_drug <- CLL_drug[rownames(CLL_drug) %in% sampleNames,]
CLL_meth <- CLL_meth[rownames(CLL_meth) %in% sampleNames,]
CLL_mrna <- CLL_mrna[rownames(CLL_mrna) %in% sampleNames,]
lapply(list("Drugs" =  CLL_drug, "Meth" = CLL_meth, "mRNA" = CLL_mrna), dim)
## $Drugs
## [1] 121 310
## $Meth
## [1]  121 4248
## $mRNA
## [1]  121 5000

We will run SNF with 121 samples and three different data types.

6.1.4 Scaling

We assume that data have been already prepared and normalized. Drug data

Drug data are scaled. Each column will have the mean equals to zero and the standard deviation equals to one.

CLL_drug_scaled <- standardNormalization(x = CLL_drug)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(CLL_drug, nclass = 100, main = "CLL drug data - Data distribution before scaling", xlab = "values")
hist(CLL_drug_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "CLL drug data - Data distribution after scaling", xlab = "scaled values")

After scaling, drug data follow a normal distribution. Methylation data

Methylation data are scaled.

CLL_meth_scaled <- standardNormalization(x = CLL_meth)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(CLL_meth, nclass = 100, main = "CLL methylation data - Data distribution before scaling", xlab = "values")
hist(CLL_meth_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "CLL methylation data - Data distribution after scaling", xlab = "scaled values")

Here, we can see more a binomial distribution after scaling. But, the data are centered. mRNA data

mRNA data are scaled.

CLL_mrna_scaled <- standardNormalization(x = CLL_mrna)

The following figures are the distribution of the data, before (left) and after (right) scaling. We expected a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(CLL_mrna, nclass = 100, main = "CLL mRNA data - Data distribution before scaling", xlab = "values")
hist(CLL_mrna_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "CLL mRNA data - Data distribution after scaling", xlab = "scaled values")

After scaling, mRNA data follow a normal distribution.

6.2 Similarity network

In this part, we create the similarity network for each data type.

6.2.1 Distance calculation

We calculate the Euclidean distance between each pair of samples for each type of data.

CLL_drug_dist <- dist2(CLL_drug_scaled, CLL_drug_scaled)
CLL_meth_dist <- dist2(CLL_meth_scaled, CLL_meth_scaled)
CLL_mrna_dist <- dist2(CLL_mrna_scaled, CLL_mrna_scaled)

Distance matrices have 121 rows (samples) and 121 columns (samples). We calculated pairwise distance, so the matrix has samples in rows and in columns.

## [1] 121 121

The diagonal of the distance matrix contains the distance between sample and itself. So the distance is equal (or very close) to zero.

CLL_drug_dist[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##              H045         H109         H056     H079     H164
## H045 2.273737e-13 4.028353e+02 1.115350e+03 340.5212 554.7438
## H109 4.028353e+02 2.273737e-13 1.074784e+03 671.3817 608.1489
## H056 1.115350e+03 1.074784e+03 1.136868e-13 729.6333 625.2601
## H079 3.405212e+02 6.713817e+02 7.296333e+02   0.0000 481.3647
## H164 5.547438e+02 6.081489e+02 6.252601e+02 481.3647   0.0000

High distance values mean that samples are not similar. And small distance values mean that samples are similar.

6.2.2 Similarity calculation

The distance values are transformed according the neighbors of the samples. We set two parameters:

  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • sigma = 0.5: hyperparameter
K = 20
sigma = 0.5

The affinityMatrix() function transforms the distance into similarity according the distance with the nearest neighbors.

CLL_drug_W <- affinityMatrix(CLL_drug_dist, K, sigma)
CLL_meth_W <- affinityMatrix(CLL_meth_dist, K, sigma)
CLL_mrna_W <- affinityMatrix(CLL_mrna_dist, K, sigma)

The following figures are the heatmap of the similarity matrix (W) of each data type. Samples are clustered using hierarchical clustering. For a better visualization, we log-transform similarities.

pheatmap(log(CLL_drug_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = CLL_metadata[c(1, 2, 6, 7, 8)], main = "CLL Drugs")
pheatmap(log(CLL_meth_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = CLL_metadata[c(1, 2, 6, 7, 8)], main = "CLL Methylation")
pheatmap(log(CLL_mrna_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = CLL_metadata[c(1, 2, 6, 7, 8)], main = "CLL mRNA")
CLL dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmapCLL dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmapCLL dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmap

Figure 6.1: CLL dataset - log-transformed similarity matrix heatmap

The red color means high similarity between two samples. The blue color means small similarity between two samples.

Heatmaps are different between data types. Each data seems to carry different information about samples. - drug data: the heatmap shows two groups of similar samples, but non of them seems to be related to a specific metadata. - methylation data: the heatmap shows two or maybe three groups of similar samples. Groups seem to be related to the IGHV status. - mRNA data: the heatmap shows small groups but not clear one.

6.3 Fusion

We created a similarity matrix for each data type. We saw that each network carries common information and its own information. Now, we will integrate all this information into only one fused similarity matrix.

6.3.1 Create the fused similarity matrix

To create the fused similarity matrix, we set three parameters:

  • list of similarity matrices (drug, methylation and mRNA)
  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • T = 10: number of iterations
K <- 20
T <- 10
CLL_W <- SNF(list(CLL_drug_W, CLL_meth_W, CLL_mrna_W), K, T)
CLL_W[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##              H045         H109         H056         H079        H164
## H045 0.5000000000 0.0157070950 0.0008608448 0.0186693619 0.010246238
## H109 0.0157070950 0.5000000000 0.0009468912 0.0085345260 0.004235980
## H056 0.0008608448 0.0009468912 0.5000000000 0.0008622857 0.000796166
## H079 0.0186693619 0.0085345260 0.0008622857 0.5000000000 0.005578270
## H164 0.0102462384 0.0042359797 0.0007961660 0.0055782704 0.500000000

The dimensions of the fused network are 121 rows and 121 columns, such as the previous similarity matrices. The fused similarity matrix contains similarities between samples, we can also called them weights.

## [1] 121 121

The fused similarity matrix contains 14641 weights.

## [1] 14641

The fused similarity matrix doesn’t contain zero.

length(CLL_W[length(CLL_W) == 0])
## [1] 0

The following figure is the heatmap of the fused similarity matrix. Samples are automatically clustered with a hierarchical clustering. Weights are log-transformed for a better visualization.

pheatmap(log(CLL_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = CLL_metadata[c(1, 2, 6, 7, 8)], main = "CLL - Fused similarity matrix W")

The red color means high similarity between two samples. The blue color means small similarity between two samples.

The heatmap shows two main groups. Samples between groups are very different. Groups seem to be related to the IGHV status. This heatmap doesn’t give us obvious information. We can make several assumptions:

  • it’s the result
  • a previous step wasn’t the best for one or several data type (normalization, scaling, distance etc)
  • parameters used (K, sigma and T) are not the most adapted.

It could be interesting to try another distance and/or try with different parameters.

6.3.2 Visualized the fused similarity network

Now, we create a fused similarity network from the fused similarity matrix. Self loops are remove (diag = FALSE) and only the upper values of the matrix are taken (mode = "upper", avoid duplicate information).

CLL_W_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(CLL_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)

Then, the fused similarity network is saved into a the CLL_W_edgeList.txt file:

write.table(as_data_frame(CLL_W_net), "../02_Results/02_CLL/CLL_W_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
This files is loaded into Cytoscape. The Figure 6.2 shows the fused similarity network of the CLL dataset.
First Cytoscape visualization of the fused similarity network of CLL dataset.

Figure 6.2: First Cytoscape visualization of the fused similarity network of CLL dataset.

According Cytoscape, the fused similarity network contains 121 nodes (samples) and 7260 edges (connections) between samples. The connections number is smaller in Cytoscape. Indeed, in the similarity matrix weights are duplicates. The similarity matrix contains also the weights for each sample compare to itself (self loops).

For now, the fused similarity network is fully connected: each sample is connected to every other samples. Connections between samples are weighted: some connections are strong (samples are similar) and some other are weak (samples are not similar).

6.4 Threshold selection

In this section, we will determine a threshold to select the strongest connections between samples.

6.4.1 Fused similarity network Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

CLL_weights <- edge.attributes(CLL_W_net)$weight
hist(CLL_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(0.004466836, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a binomial distribution. We would probably like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 0.004466836. With this threshold, we select 2457 connections. Mean and third quantile

We calculate the median of the weights.

CLL_W_median <- median(x = CLL_weights)
## [1] 0.002700864

With the mean (0.0027009) as threshold, we select 3630 connections.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_W_median])
## [1] 3630

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

CLL_W_q75 <- quantile(x = CLL_weights, 0.75)
##         75% 
## 0.005983555

With the third quantile (0.0059836) as threshold, we select 1815 connections.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_W_q75])
## [1] 1815

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(CLL_W_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_W_median, 10), 160, pos = 4, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(CLL_W_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_W_q75, 10), 160, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 0.0004991 0.0014801 0.0027246 0.0082645 0.0061004 0.5000000

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.03, 0.0003)
## [1] 101

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

CLL_ACC_W <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, CLL_W_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = CLL_ACC_W$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_W$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[1], y = CLL_ACC_W$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[41], y = CLL_ACC_W$ACC[41], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], y = CLL_ACC_W$ACC[42], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_W$ACC[42]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = CLL_ACC_W$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_W$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], 6000, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_W$ACC[42]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_W$thresholds[42], 4500, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  CLL_ACC_W[42, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 6.3: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 312 edges. It could be not enough edges. Let’s see during the visualization.

## [1] 0.0123 Visualization using Cytoscape

The network visualization on the left was created with the third quantile (0.0059836). The network visualization on the right was created with the ACC method (0.0123).

The left network contains lot of edges and it’s difficult to see clear connection between samples. Nevertheless, we can see two groups of samples, according the IGVH status.

This trend is also shows in the right network. Samples with same IGVH status are connected together.

It could be interesting to map other metadata on the network. Network visualizations are available in the CLL_cytoscape.cys file.

6.4.2 Drug data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

CLL_drug_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(CLL_drug_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(CLL_drug_net), "../02_Results/02_CLL/CLL_drug_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

CLL_weights <- edge.attributes(CLL_drug_net)$weight
hist(CLL_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(0.00007, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a binomial distribution. We would probably like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 0.00007. With this threshold, we select 3210 connections. Mean and third quantile

We calculate the median of the weights.

CLL_drug_median <- median(x = CLL_weights)
## [1] 5.703429e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_drug_median])
## [1] 3630

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

CLL_drug_q75 <- quantile(x = CLL_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 0.0001371145

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold:

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_drug_q75])
## [1] 1815

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(CLL_drug_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_drug_median, 10) - 0.5, 200, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(CLL_drug_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_drug_q75, 10), 230, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 2.650e-07 2.170e-05 5.803e-05 1.347e-04 1.394e-04 5.758e-03

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.0015, 0.00001)
## [1] 151

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

CLL_ACC_drug <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, CLL_drug_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_drug$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[1], y = CLL_ACC_drug$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[39], y = CLL_ACC_drug$ACC[39], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45], y = CLL_ACC_drug$ACC[45], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_drug$ACC[45]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_drug$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[42], col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45], 5300, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_drug$ACC[45]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_drug$thresholds[45], 4700, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  CLL_ACC_drug[45, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 6.4: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 252 edges. It could be not enough edges. Let’s see during the visualization.

## [1] 0.00044

Network visualizations are available in the CLL_cytoscape.cys file.

6.4.3 Methylation data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

CLL_meth_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(CLL_meth_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(CLL_meth_net), "../02_Results/02_CLL/CLL_meth_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

CLL_weights <- edge.attributes(CLL_meth_net)$weight
hist(CLL_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(1.258925e-05, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a kind of normal distribution. We probably would like to cut the peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 1.258925e-05. With this threshold, we select 1393 connections. Mean and third quantile

We calculate the median of the weights.

CLL_meth_median <- median(x = CLL_weights)
## [1] 7.647628e-06

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_meth_median])
## [1] 3630

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

CLL_meth_q75 <- quantile(x = CLL_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 1.159533e-05

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_meth_q75])
## [1] 1815

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(CLL_meth_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_meth_median, 10), 200, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(CLL_meth_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_meth_q75, 10), 230, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 7.822e-07 4.287e-06 7.720e-06 9.893e-06 1.169e-05 2.782e-04

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.00006, 0.0000005)
## [1] 121

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

CLL_ACC_meth <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, CLL_meth_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_meth$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[1], y = CLL_ACC_meth$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[41], y = CLL_ACC_meth$ACC[41], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], y = CLL_ACC_meth$ACC[42], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], 0.55, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], 0.45, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_meth$ACC[42]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_meth$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], 5500, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_meth$ACC[42]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_meth$thresholds[42], 4500, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  CLL_ACC_meth[42, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 6.5: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 164 edges. It could be not enough edges. Let’s see during the visualization.

## [1] 2.05e-05

Network visualizations are available in the CLL_cytoscape.cys file.

6.4.4 mRNA data

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

CLL_mrna_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(CLL_mrna_W, weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
write.table(as_data_frame(CLL_mrna_net), "../02_Results/02_CLL/CLL_mrna_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

CLL_weights <- edge.attributes(CLL_mrna_net)$weight
hist(CLL_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
abline(v = log(5.011872e-06, 10), col = "cyan", lwd = 3)

The log-transformed weight distribution shows a kind of binomial distribution. We probably would like to cut between the two peaks and choose the corresponding weight: 5.011872e-06. With this threshold, we select 4013 connections. Mean and third quantile

We calculate the median of the weights.

CLL_mrna_median <- median(x = CLL_weights)
## [1] 5.603111e-06

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_mrna_median])
## [1] 3630

Calculate the third quantile of the weights:

CLL_mrna_q75 <- quantile(x = CLL_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 8.912064e-06

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold.

length(CLL_weights[CLL_weights >= CLL_mrna_q75])
## [1] 1815

The following figure displays the log-transformed weight distribution with the two previous calculated metrics as markers.

hist(log(CLL_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(CLL_mrna_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_mrna_median, 10), 200, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(CLL_mrna_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(CLL_mrna_q75, 10), 190, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine a range of thresholds to try, we check the weights.

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 3.123e-07 3.351e-06 5.647e-06 8.180e-06 9.049e-06 2.305e-04

We define a vector of threshold range to try (at least 100 values).

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.00004, 0.0000004)
## [1] 101

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

CLL_ACC_mrna <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, graph){
  graph_sub <- subgraph.edges(graph, E(graph)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(graph_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(graph_sub)))
}, CLL_mrna_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures.

## ACC
plot(x = CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_mrna$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[1], y = CLL_ACC_mrna$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[46], y = CLL_ACC_mrna$ACC[46], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], y = CLL_ACC_mrna$ACC[48], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
text(CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], 0.55, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], 0.45, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_mrna$ACC[48]), col = "purple")
## EN
plot(x = CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds, y = CLL_ACC_mrna$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], 5500, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], 5000, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  CLL_ACC_mrna$ACC[48]), col = "purple")
text(CLL_ACC_mrna$thresholds[48], 4500, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  CLL_ACC_mrna[48, "EN"]), col = "purple")
**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold**Left**: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - **Right**: Number of edges on network  for each threshold

Figure 6.6: Left: Average Clustering Coeeficient (ACC) values for each threshold - Right: Number of edges on network for each threshold

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 229 edges. It could be not enough edges. Let’s see during the visualization.

## [1] 1.88e-05

Network visualizations are available in the CLL_cytoscape.cys file.

6.5 Downstream analysis

6.5.1 Clustering

We decided to perform a clustering analysis with two and three clusters. With 2 clusters

C <- 2
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(CLL_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(CLL_W) 
CLL_dataGroups2 <- merge(CLL_metadata, group, by = 0) With 3 clusters

C <- 3
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(CLL_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(CLL_W) 
CLL_dataGroups3 <- merge(CLL_metadata, group, by = 0) Save results

Then, results are save into the same file.

clusters <- merge(x = CLL_dataGroups2, y = CLL_dataGroups3[c(1,7)], by = "Row.names", suffixes = c("_2clusters", "_3clusters"))
write.table(clusters, "../02_Results/02_CLL/CLL_clusters.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

6.5.2 Visualization with Cytoscape

These are two examples of network visualization for the CLL dataset.

  • Node color represents
    • IGVH status (left network)
    • clustering results (right network), we selected two clusters.
  • Node shape represents trisomy12 status.
  • Node labels are sample names.
  • Edge color represents data type contribution for each edge.

IGHV status is driving the clustering (right network). Inside this two groups, we can see a subnetwork that contains sample with trisomy12.

With this network, we can predicted the possible IGVH status of samples without this information.

7 Tomato plant dataset

The omic tomato plant dataset contains two omics data types:

  • transcript data
  • protein data

Data files are available in /shared/projects/tp_etbii_2024_165650/Networks/Tomato directory path in the IFB server.

7.1 Input data

7.1.1 Load dataset Transcript data

First, we load the transcript data that are in the mrna.tsv file. This file contains header (head = TRUE) and the first column contains row names (row.names = 1). Below, the first columns and rows are displayed.

tomato_mrna <- read.table("../00_Data/Tomato/mrna.tsv", head = TRUE, row.names = 1)
tomato_mrna[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##                     s_1_1  s_1_2  s_1_3  s_2_1  s_2_2
## Solyc00g005050.2.1 -0.542 -0.431 -0.519 -0.128 -0.055
## Solyc00g006800.2.1 -0.243 -0.234 -0.165  0.060  0.177
## Solyc00g007270.2.1 -0.641 -0.738 -0.761 -0.331 -0.128
## Solyc00g009020.2.1  0.346  0.607  0.155 -0.131 -0.081
## Solyc00g011890.2.1 -0.318 -0.419 -0.510 -0.484 -0.479

Transcript data dimensions are nrow(tomato_mrna) rows and ncol(tomato_mrna):

## [1] 2375   27

Samples (2375) are in columns and transcripts (2375) are in rows. We need to transpose this matrix.

tomato_mrna_t <- t(tomato_mrna)

The transposed matrix dimensions are nrow(tomato_mrna_t) rows and ncol(tomato_mrna_t). Samples are in columns and transcripts are in rows.

## [1]   27 2375

Below, the first five rows and columns are displayed:

tomato_mrna_t[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##       Solyc00g005050.2.1 Solyc00g006800.2.1 Solyc00g007270.2.1
## s_1_1             -0.542             -0.243             -0.641
## s_1_2             -0.431             -0.234             -0.738
## s_1_3             -0.519             -0.165             -0.761
## s_2_1             -0.128              0.060             -0.331
## s_2_2             -0.055              0.177             -0.128
##       Solyc00g009020.2.1 Solyc00g011890.2.1
## s_1_1              0.346             -0.318
## s_1_2              0.607             -0.419
## s_1_3              0.155             -0.510
## s_2_1             -0.131             -0.484
## s_2_2             -0.081             -0.479 Protein data

Then, we load the protein data, available in the file prots.tsv. The file contains column heads (head = TRUE) and the first column contains row names (row.names = 1). Below, the first five columns and rows are displayed.

tomato_prot <- read.table("../00_Data/Tomato/prots.tsv", head = TRUE, row.names = 1)
tomato_prot[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##                     s_1_1  s_1_2  s_1_3  s_2_1  s_2_2
## Solyc00g005050.2.1 -0.025  0.695  0.270 -0.031  0.146
## Solyc00g006800.2.1 -0.391 -0.457 -0.003  0.217 -0.004
## Solyc00g007270.2.1 -1.469 -0.775 -1.311 -0.185 -0.061
## Solyc00g009020.2.1  0.562  0.493  0.895  0.525  0.471
## Solyc00g011890.2.1  0.063 -0.078  0.119 -0.346 -0.339

Protein data have 27 columns:

## [1] 27

Protein data have 2375 rows:

## [1] 2375

Rows are proteins and columns are samples. To continue the analysis, data need to have the samples in rows and features in columns. So, we transpose the protein data.

tomato_prot_t <- t(tomato_prot)

Now, protein data are in the right shape, as you can see below:

tomato_prot_t[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##       Solyc00g005050.2.1 Solyc00g006800.2.1 Solyc00g007270.2.1
## s_1_1             -0.025             -0.391             -1.469
## s_1_2              0.695             -0.457             -0.775
## s_1_3              0.270             -0.003             -1.311
## s_2_1             -0.031              0.217             -0.185
## s_2_2              0.146             -0.004             -0.061
##       Solyc00g009020.2.1 Solyc00g011890.2.1
## s_1_1              0.562              0.063
## s_1_2              0.493             -0.078
## s_1_3              0.895              0.119
## s_2_1              0.525             -0.346
## s_2_2              0.471             -0.339

7.1.2 Load metadata

Finally, we load the metadata that contain information about samples. Metadata are stored in the samples_metadata.csv file. This file is semicolon-separated (sep = ";") and contains column heads (head = TRUE). The first column is also row names (row.names = 1).

tomato_metadata <- read.table("../00_Data/Tomato/samples_metadata.csv", head = TRUE, row.names = 1, sep = ";")

The metadata file contains information about:

  • dpa: days post anthesis (after the flower opening)
  • growth_stage: growth stage of the tomato plant
## [1] "dpa"          "growth_stage"

There are 20 different dpa:

##  [1]  7  8 15 21 22 27 28 29 34 35 40 42 49 48 NA 50 51 54 53 52

There are three replicates per growth stage:

## GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR8 GR9 
##   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3

7.1.3 Missing data

Transcript data don’t contain missing value:

## 64125

Protein data don’t contain neither missing value:

## 64125

We can go to the following steps.

7.1.4 Scaling

We assume that data habe been already prepared and normalized. Transcript data

Transcript data are scaled: each column will scaled to have the mean equals to zero and the standard deviation equals to one.

tomato_mrna_scaled <- standardNormalization(tomato_mrna_t)

Below, we show the data distribution before and after scaling. We expected to have a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(tomato_mrna_t, nclass = 100, main = "Tomato fruit - Transcript data - Prepared data", xlab = "values")
hist(tara_phy_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "Tomato fruit - Transcript data - Scaled data", xlab = "values")

Data seem to be already scaled. So we will use the transposed data tomato_mrna_t for the following analysis. Protein data

Protein data are scaled.

tomato_prot_scaled <- standardNormalization(tomato_prot_t)

Below, we show the data distribution before and after scaling. We expected to have a normal distribution of the data after scaling.

hist(tomato_prot_t, nclass = 100, main = "Tomato fruit - Protein data - Prepared data", xlab = "values")
hist(tomato_prot_scaled, nclass = 100, main = "Tomato fruit - Protein data - Scaled data", xlab = "values")

These data seem also already scaled. So we will use the transposed data tomato_prot_t for the following analysis.

7.2 Similarity network

In this part, we create the similarity network for each data type.

7.2.1 Distance calculation

First, we calculate the Euclidean distance between each sample for each data type.

tomato_mrna_dist <- dist2(tomato_mrna_t, tomato_mrna_t)
tomato_prot_dist <- dist2(tomato_prot_t, tomato_prot_t)

The created distance matrix dimensions are 27 rows and 27 columns. We calculated pairwise distance, so the matrix has samples in rows and in columns.

## [1] 27 27

The diagonal of the distance matrix contains the distance between sample and itself. There is distance between a sample and itself, so the distance is equal (or very close) to zero.

tomato_mrna_dist[c(1:5), c(1:5)]
##              s_1_1        s_1_2        s_1_3        s_2_1        s_2_2
## s_1_1 9.094947e-13 1.326255e+02 8.693254e+01 2.401490e+02 3.900077e+02
## s_1_2 1.326255e+02 6.821210e-13 2.801969e+02 3.532615e+02 4.989396e+02
## s_1_3 8.693254e+01 2.801969e+02 2.046363e-12 2.096528e+02 3.614704e+02
## s_2_1 2.401490e+02 3.532615e+02 2.096528e+02 1.023182e-12 4.759286e+01
## s_2_2 3.900077e+02 4.989396e+02 3.614704e+02 4.759286e+01 1.136868e-13

High distance values mean that samples are not similar. And small distance values mean that samples are similar.

7.2.2 Similarity calculation

The distance matrix is then transformed into similarity matrix for each data type. We set two parameters:

  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • signma = 0.5: hyperparameter
K <- 20
sigma <- 0.5

The affinityMatrix() function transforms the distance into similarity according the distance with the nearest neighbors.

tomato_mrna_W <- affinityMatrix(tomato_mrna_dist, K = K, sigma = sigma)
tomato_prot_W <- affinityMatrix(tomato_prot_dist, K = K, sigma = sigma)

The following figures are the heatmap of the similarity matrix (W) of each data type. The left heatmap are the mrna data and the right heatmap are the protein data. Samples are clustered using hierarchical clustering. For a better visualization, we log-transform similarities.

pheatmap(log(tomato_mrna_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tomato_metadata, main = "Transcript data - log10-transformed similarity values")
pheatmap(log(tomato_prot_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tomato_metadata, main = "Protein data - log10-transformed similarity values")

Red color means a high similarity value between two samples whereas blue color means a small similarity value between two samples.

Heatmaps are different between the transcript and the protein data. Each data type carries different kind of sample information. The clustering shows that one group is clearly retrieve in both data type (samples in last dpa). Protein data seem to define better the development cycle of the tomato fruit.

7.3 Fusion

We created a similarity matrix for each data type. We saw that each network carries common information and its own information. Now, we will integrate all this information into only one fused similarity matrix.

7.3.1 Create the fused similarity matrix

We create the fused similarity matrix using these three parameters:

  • the list of mrna and protein similarity matrices
  • K = 20: number of nearest neighbors
  • t = 10: number of iterations
tomato_W <- SNF(list(tomato_mrna_W, tomato_prot_W), K = 20, t = 10)

The dimension of the fused network are 27 rows and 27 columns, such as the previous similarity matrices. The fused similarity matrix contains similarities between samples, we can also called them weights.

The fused similarity network contains 729 weights.

## [1] 729

The fused similarity network doesn’t contain zero:

table(tomato_W == 0)
##   729

The following figure is the heatmap of the fused similarity matrix. Samples are automatically clustered with a hierarchical clustering. Weights are log-transformed for a better visualization.

pheatmap(log(tomato_W, 10), show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE, annotation = tomato_metadata, main = "Fused similarity matrix - log10-transformed similarity values")

Read color means a high similarity between samples. Blue color means a small similarity between samples.

This heatmap seems to be a perfect mix between the two previous individual heatmaps. We still see two main groups: one with the last dpa and one other big with the other development stages. But, in this big group, now stages seem to be well grouped.

7.3.2 Visualize the fused similarity network

We create a fused similarity network from the fused similarity matrix. Self loops are remove (diag = FALSE) and only the upper values of the matrix are taken (mode = "upper", avoid duplicate information).

tomato_W_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tomato_W, diag = FALSE, mode = "upper", weighted = TRUE)

Then, the fused similarity network is saved into a the Tomato_W_edgeList.txt file:

write.table(as_data_frame(tomato_W_net), "../02_Results/04_Tomato/Tomato_W_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
This files is loaded into Cytoscape. The Figure 7.1 shows the fused similarity network of the tomato plant dataset.
First Cytoscape visualization of the fused similarity network of Tomato fruit dataset.

Figure 7.1: First Cytoscape visualization of the fused similarity network of Tomato fruit dataset.

According Cytoscape, the fused network contains 27 samples (nodes) and 351 connections (edges) between samples. The edge number is smaller in Cytoscape because we removed the self loop and took only half of the similarity matrix.

For now, the network is fully connected: each sample is connected to every sample. Connections between samples are weights: some connections are strong (samples are similar) some other are weak (samples are not similar).

7.4 Threshold selection

So in this section, we will choose a threshold to keep the strongest connections.

7.4.1 Fused network Arbitrary threshold

We extract the weight to display the corresponding distribution to try to find a threshold. The distribution in the left is created using the raw weights. The distribution in the right is created using the log-transformed weights.

tomato_weights <- edge.attributes(tomato_W_net)$weight
hist(tomato_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Fused similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tomato_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused similarity network weight distribution", xlab = "weights")

It’s not obvious how to choose the threshold with the weight distribution. Let’s see other methods. Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median:

tomato_W_median <- median(x = tomato_weights)
## [1] 0.01292061

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold:

length(tomato_weights[tomato_weights >=  tomato_W_median])
## [1] 176

Calculate the third quantile:

tomato_W_q75 <- quantile(x = tomato_weights, 0.75)
##       75% 
## 0.0324337

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold:

length(tomato_weights[tomato_weights >=  tomato_W_q75])
## [1] 88

The following figures show where are these two threshold in the weight distribution.

hist(log(tomato_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Fused network weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tomato_W_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tomato_W_median, 10), 10, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tomato_W_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tomato_W_q75, 10), 12, pos = 4, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine the range of the threshold, we check the weights:

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.001066 0.003292 0.012921 0.019231 0.032434 0.095629

We define the threshold range to try:

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.095629, 0.0005)
## [1] 192

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tomato_ACC_W <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, net){
  net_sub <- subgraph.edges(net, E(net)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(net_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(net_sub)))
}, tomato_W_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures:

plot(x = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds, y = tomato_ACC_W$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Fused network W", type = "o")
points(x = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[1], y = tomato_ACC_W$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[73], y = tomato_ACC_W$ACC[73], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], y = tomato_ACC_W$ACC[80], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[71], y = tomato_ACC_W$ACC[71], col = "cyan", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
abline(v = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], 0.5, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], 0.4, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tomato_ACC_W$ACC[80]), col = "purple")
plot(x = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds, y = tomato_ACC_W$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Fused network W", type = "o")
abline(v = tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], 350, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], 300, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tomato_ACC_W$ACC[80]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_W$thresholds[80], 250, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tomato_ACC_W[80, "EN"]), col = "purple")

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.
  • The blue dot value is another local maxima.

If we selected the purple local maxima, we will have 52 edges. It could be not enough edges.

## [1] 0.0395

We can try with another local maxima.

## [1] 0.035
## [1] 72

It could be interesting to try another threshold more.

## [1] 0.0085
## [1] 203

The following figures are filtered network using 0.035 (left) and 0.013 (right) as thresholds.

We think that the right network doesn’t have enough edges. We loose to much information between samples. We will probably use the network on the left for the following visualization.

Network visualizations are available in the Tomato_cytoscape.cys file.

7.4.2 Transcript data Arbitrary threshold

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tomato_mrna_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tomato_mrna_W, diag = FALSE, mode = "upper", weighted = TRUE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tomato_mrna_net), "../02_Results/04_Tomato/Tomato_mrna_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

It’s not obvious how to choose the threshold with the weight distribution. Let’s see other methods.

tomato_weights <- edge.attributes(tomato_mrna_net)$weight
hist(tomato_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Transcript weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tomato_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Transcript weight distribution", xlab = "weights") Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median:

tomato_mrna_median <- median(x = tomato_weights)
## [1] 6.307718e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold:

length(tomato_weights[tomato_weights >=  tomato_mrna_median])
## [1] 176

Calculate the third quantile:

tomato_mrna_q75 <- quantile(x = tomato_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 0.0006490944

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold:

length(tomato_weights[tomato_weights >=  tomato_mrna_q75])
## [1] 88

The following figures show where are these two threshold in the weight distribution.

hist(log(tomato_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Transcript weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tomato_mrna_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tomato_mrna_median, 10), 10, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tomato_mrna_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tomato_mrna_q75, 10), 12, pos = 2, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine the range of the threshold, we check the weights:

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 1.571e-06 8.678e-06 6.308e-05 3.722e-04 6.491e-04 2.522e-03

We define the threshold range to try:

thresholds <- seq(0, 2.522e-03, 0.00002)
## [1] 127

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tomato_ACC_mrna <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, net){
  net_sub <- subgraph.edges(net, E(net)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(net_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(net_sub)))
}, tomato_mrna_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures:

plot(x = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds, y = tomato_ACC_mrna$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the Transcript W", type = "o")
points(x = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[1], y = tomato_ACC_mrna$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[36], y = tomato_ACC_mrna$ACC[36], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], y = tomato_ACC_mrna$ACC[37], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
abline(v = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], 0.5, pos = 2, paste0("Threshold = ",  tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], 0.4, pos = 2, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tomato_ACC_mrna$ACC[37]), col = "purple")
plot(x = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds, y = tomato_ACC_mrna$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the Transcript W", type = "o")
abline(v = tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], 350, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], 300, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tomato_ACC_mrna$ACC[37]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_mrna$thresholds[37], 250, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tomato_ACC_mrna[37, "EN"]), col = "purple")

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 0.00072

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 77

Network visualizations are available in the Tomato_cytoscape.cys file.

7.4.3 Protein data Arbitrary threshold

Similarity matrix is transformed to a similarity network and saved into a file. We still keep only half (mode = "upper") of the similarity matrix (avoid redundancies) and remove the self loop (diag = FALSE).

tomato_prot_net <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tomato_prot_W, diag = FALSE, mode = "upper", weighted = TRUE)
write.table(as_data_frame(tomato_prot_net), "../02_Results/04_Tomato/Tomato_prot_edgeList.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

It’s not obvious how to choose the threshold with the weight distribution. Let’s see other methods.

tomato_weights <- edge.attributes(tomato_prot_net)$weight
hist(tomato_weights, nclass = 100, main = "Protein weight distribution", xlab = "weights")
hist(log(tomato_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Protein weight distribution", xlab = "weights") Mean and third quantile

Calculate the median:

tomato_prot_median <- median(x = tomato_weights)
## [1] 7.254911e-05

Number of selected edges with the median as threshold:

length(tomato_weights[tomato_weights >=  tomato_prot_median])
## [1] 176

Calculate the third quantile:

tomato_prot_q75 <- quantile(x = tomato_weights, 0.75)
##          75% 
## 0.0004788178

Number of selected edges with the third quantile as threshold:

length(tomato_weights[tomato_weights >=  tomato_prot_q75])
## [1] 88

The following figures show where are these two threshold in the weight distribution.

hist(log(tomato_weights, 10), nclass = 100, main = "Protein weight distribution", xlab = "log10(weights)")
abline(v = log(tomato_mrna_median, 10), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
text(log(tomato_mrna_median, 10), 12, pos = 2, "Median", col = "blue", cex = 1)
abline(v = log(tomato_mrna_q75, 10), col = "purple", lwd = 3)
text(log(tomato_mrna_q75, 10), 12, pos = 2, "quantile 75%", col = "purple", cex = 1) Topology network

To determine the range of the threshold, we check the weights:

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 2.412e-06 1.379e-05 7.255e-05 3.042e-04 4.788e-04 2.169e-03

We define the threshold range to try:

thresholds <- seq(0, 0.001, 0.00001)
## [1] 101

Then, we calculate the Average Clustering Coefficient for each threshold.

tomato_ACC_prot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(thresholds, function(t, net){
  net_sub <- subgraph.edges(net, E(net)[weight >= t])
  df <- data.frame("ACC" = ACCCalculation(net_sub), "thresholds" = t, "EN" = length(E(net_sub)))
}, tomato_prot_net))

Calculated values are displayed in the following figures:

plot(x = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds, y = tomato_ACC_prot$ACC, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "ACC", main = "ACC calculation of the protein W", type = "o")
points(x = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[1], y = tomato_ACC_prot$ACC[1], col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[7], y = tomato_ACC_prot$ACC[7], col = "pink", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
points(x = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], y = tomato_ACC_prot$ACC[9], col = "purple", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
abline(v = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], 0.8, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], 0.7, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tomato_ACC_prot$ACC[9]), col = "purple")
plot(x = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds, y = tomato_ACC_prot$EN, xlab = "thresholds", ylab = "number of edges", main = "EN of the protein W", type = "o")
abline(v = tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], 350, pos = 4, paste0("Threshold = ",  tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], 300, pos = 4, paste0("ACCmax = ",  tomato_ACC_prot$ACC[9]), col = "purple")
text(tomato_ACC_prot$thresholds[9], 250, pos = 4, paste0("EN = ",  tomato_ACC_prot[9, "EN"]), col = "purple")

  • The red dot value corresponds to the fully connected network.
  • The pink dot value is the smallest value before the local maxima.
  • The purple dot value is the local maxima. The one we are interested in.

The local maxima threshold is:

## [1] 8e-05

And the number of selected egdes are:

## [1] 170

Network visualizations are available in the Tomato_cytoscape.cys file.

7.5 Downstream analysis

7.5.1 Clustering

In the Belouah et al. paper, they define three development stages. According that, we will run a clustering with three clusters.

C <- 3
group <- data.frame(Groups = spectralClustering(tomato_W, C)) 
row.names(group) <- colnames(tomato_W)
dataGroups <- merge(tomato_metadata, group, by = 0) 
##   Row.names dpa growth_stage Groups
## 1     s_1_1   7          GR1      3
## 2     s_1_2   8          GR1      3
## 3     s_1_3   8          GR1      3
## 4     s_2_1  15          GR2      3
## 5     s_2_2  15          GR2      3
## 6     s_2_3  15          GR2      3

Then, we save the results into a result file:

write.table(dataGroups, "../02_Results/04_Tomato/Tomato_3clusters.txt", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") 

7.5.2 Visualization with Cytoscape

These are two examples of network visualization for the tomato fruit dataset.

**Left network**: edge weights > 0.013. **Right network**: edge weights > 0.032.**Left network**: edge weights > 0.013. **Right network**: edge weights > 0.032.

Figure 7.2: Left network: edge weights > 0.013. Right network: edge weights > 0.032.

  • Node color represents the clustering results. Here, we selected three clusters.
  • Node label are the growth stat of the tomato fruit.
  • Edge color represents the data type contribution for each edge.

Overall, we see two groups of nodes: one with the late growth stages (GR7, GR8 and GR9) and one other with the early growth stages (GR1-GR6). This two groups seem to be very different because there are few connections between them. We already saw these two groups with the individual heatmaps.

In the Belouah et al. paper, the three last growth state correspond to the ripening stage (appearance of fruit color). With the clustering, we also detect the three stage level that they describe: early, mid and late stages of fruit development.

With the network visualization, we can see a kind of kinetic from the early stage (GR1 only connected to GR2) to the mid stage. We can also see that the protein data type carries the most information in this network, inside the groups.