Data.Type | Format |
ChIPSeq, RNAseq | Bigwig, Bedgraph |
Genome Annotation | GFF, GTF, BED, VCF |
Sequence Alignments | Indexed BAM1 |
All available formats
You can access the Online help by clicking on “Help” in the bar menu then on “User Guide”. A basic tutorial is also accessible in “Help” then in “Tutorial”. Several training datasets are available in “File”> “Load From Server”.
Interface with 2 datasets (Chipseq Peaks and BAM Alignments)
Choose an already available genome in the Reference Genome Selector (Human, Mouse, Yeast…)
/!\ Be careful with the assembly (hg19 != hg18) /!\
IGV isn’t designed for unassembled references (thousands of contigs)
Load your own genome: in the bar menu, click on “Genomes” then on “Load genome from File”. Your genome should be an indexed FASTA file (.fa or .fasta)
You can also load a genome from an URL or a server.
Warning: Data files must stay at the same location
Depending on the file format, some graphical options will be available by right clicking on the track.
For annotations tracks (bed, gtf, wig…) : you can change
the color of the track and specify a
visualization mode (collapsed, expanded and
The collapsed mode might hide annotations that overlay on each
other so be sure to put the expanded mode on (i.e.: for the
RefSeq Genes track, you need the expanded mode to see all available
For alignment tracks (BAM): multiples options are available, depending on your type of data. Some may help you have a better understanding of your data. You can try all of the options but here are the most useful ones:
Sashimi plot
/!\ The coverage indicates that the position is covered by 352 reads but I see less than 50 reads in the alignment track. What’s going on? /!\
IGV has default parameters that prevent your computer from crashing by using too much memory: it loads only a subsample of your alignments (which is supposed to represent the population of alignments at this position) for a given window.
You can look those parameters by clicking on “View” in the top bar then “Preferences” and finally select “Alignments”. Depending on your parameter resources, you can change these parameters:
View > Preferences Menu
PacBio reads are long (up to 50kb) and have a high rate or indels random errors (more information in this video :
Consensus sequences for PacBio
An indexed BAM is a BAM sorted by chromosome accompanied by its index file (a .bai file)↩︎