Chloé QUIGNOT (BIOI2 @I2BC) - ORCID: 0000-0001-8504-232X
Source: adapted from FAIRbioinfo 2021 training material of the IFB and Snakemake introduction tutorial from BIOI2
Material under CC-BY-SA
Snakemake = Python (aka “snake”, a programming language) + Make (a rule-based automation tool)
Workflows are made up of blocks, each block performs a specific (set of) instruction(s)
- 1 rule = 1 instruction (ideally) - inputs and outputs are one or multiple files - at least 1 input and/or 1 output per rule |
execution order ≠ code order => Snakemake does a pick & mix of the rules it needs at execution
Rules are linked together by Snakemake using matching filenames in their input and output directives.