Environment: a set of packages/tools in a directory (added to your PATH)
Conda: an open source package + a general-purpose environment management system (installation, execution, upgrade). For any programming language, multi-platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
Conda package: a compressed tarball of a tool
Conda distribution:
Conda is so used that it could even be installed by default to your machine.
eg. Conda is:
docker containermodule load conda
)Try this in a terminal: conda --version
The ”conda hub”: to download conda package
Some conda channels:
Channels list order
The R interpreter is included in the r-essentials
packages (200 r-packages). Add r-
before the regular R package name (eg. r-ggplot2
A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv
for dependency resolution: just install the mamba package and next, replace all conda
by mamba
to use it in conda command
conda initialisation of the shell: conda init bash
creation of a conda environment: conda create env -n myenv
list environments ( for the active one): conda info --envs
activate the myenv environment: conda activate myenv
list packages (only in an active environment): conda list
installation of a tool/package: conda install package
suppress a package from the environment: conda remove package
suppress the myenv* environment: conda env remove -n myenv
inactivate the environment: conda deactivate
note: with the miniconda3 distribution environments are installed by default in a miniconda3/envs/
configuration file
or json
)reproducibility point of view: use a configuration file and specify a precise version of a package: <channel>::<package>=<version>
cd ${PWD}
whereis samtools
Check the anaconda web page to find the tool, identify the channel and the version: and edit a yml file to guide the environment creation:
cd ${PWD}
echo "name: conda_env_samtools\nchannels:\n - bioconda\ndependencies:\n - bioconda::samtools=1.15.1" > conda_env_samtools.yml
more conda_env_samtools.yml
:::::::::::::: conda_env_samtools.yml :::::::::::::: name: conda_env_samtools channels: - bioconda dependencies: - bioconda::samtools=1.15.1
Before creating Conda environment, Conda need to know your shell version. But the conda init bash
command need a close and re-open the terminal that doesn't work with the undelying terminal opened at the begining of this notebook.
For now, open a term launcher and copy/paste the notebook command line.
Before getting these tools and if not already done, initialize your shell for conda (choose bash) and close then reopen a terminal:
conda init bash
Manage the "envfair" environment: 1) create 2) activate 3) use 4) quit:
conda env list
conda env create -f conda_env_samtools.yml #1
conda env list
conda activate conda_env_samtools #2
samtools --help #3
conda deactivate #4
samtools --help