# Packages to install before the session R >= 4 with Rstudio or another IDE data.table DT ## Topic 1 ### MOFA ggplot2 gage MOFA2 MOFAdata msigdbr ### RGCCA RGCCA FactoMineR factoextra ggpubr corrplot stats graphics ## Topic 2 WGCNA compositions pheatmap SNFtool igraph mixOmics Cytoscape (https://cytoscape.org/download.html, version >= 3.7) with these applications : - yFiles Layout Algorithm - LegendCreator ## Topic 3 tidyverse TCGAbiolinks (facultatif + via Bioconductor) SummarizedExperiment (facultatif + via Bioconductor) clusterProfiler (via Bioconductor) enrichR DOSE (via Bioconductor) AnnotationHub (via Bioconductor) neo4r tidytext GO.db (via Bioconductor) GOxploreR annotate visNetwork dplyr tidyr readr visNetwork diffuStats