
TLDR: R command lines

In this presentation, there will be screen captures for you to follow the lesson. There will also be every single R command lines. Do not take care of the command lines if you find them too challenging. Our goal here, is to understand the main mechanism of Differential Expression Analysis. R is just a tool.

Below are the libraries we need to perform this whole session:

base::library(package = "BiocParallel")    # Optionally multithread some steps
base::library(package = "DT")              # Display nice table in HTML
base::library(package = "ggplot2")         # Draw graphs and plots
base::library(package = "ggpubr")          # Draw nicer graphs
base::library(package = "rstatix")         # Base R statistics
base::library(package = "knitr")           # Build this presentation
base::library(package = "dplyr")           # Handle big tables
base::library(package = "Seurat")          # Handle SingleCell analyses
base::library(package = "SeuratObject")    # Handle SingleCell objects
base::library(package = "SingleCellExperiment") # Handle SingleCell file formats
base::library(package = "escape")          # Perform exploratory enrichment analysis
base::library(package = "clusterProfiler") # Perform GSEA analysis
base::library(package = "dittoSeq")        # Draw nice plots based on Seurat
base::library(package = "")    # Mouse genome annotation
base::library(package = "Cairo")           # Graphs library
base::library(package = "pathview")        # For the whole pathway graph

First, we load Seurat object:

sobj <- base::readRDS(
  # Path to the RDS file
  file = "DEA_Scaled_Normalized_Filtered.RDS"

Then we launch enrichment exploration on all counts:

# Acquire gene sets
mh_hallmark <- escape::getGeneSets(
  species = "mus_musculus",
  library = "MH"

# Run enrichment
esobj <- escape::enrichIt(
  obj = sobj,
  gene.sets = mh_hallmark,
  cores = 3

Purpose of this session

Up to now, we have:

  1. Identified to which cell each sequenced reads come from
  2. Identified to which gene each read come from
  3. Identified possible bias in gene expression for each cell
  4. Filtered and corrected these bias as well as we can
  5. Found differentially expressed genes across multiple conditions
  6. Annotated cell clusters

We would like to identify the functions of genes among several clusters, or differentially expressed genes.

At the end of this session you will know:

  1. What is gene set analysis
  2. How to choose a Gene Set database
  3. How to perform an enrichment analysis
  4. How to read Gene set analysis results

Select a database

Gene: Jund

Let’s search information about this gene on the web. For mice, one of the best web-site for human is: MGI.

If we search for the gene Jund, we find the following: