To upload, retrieve or manipulate data, as well as travel in the HPC, or to launch a Rstudio Server instance for the practical parts of this training, you will need to use JupyterHub on the IFB cluster.

1.1 Connecting, and opening a session

  • Connect to the IFB JupyterHub using your credentials :

  • Select the reservation dedicated to our training session : 2325_ebaii_0
  • Reservation :
    • For a Rstudio session, request 2 CPUs and 15 GB of memory (let the other options to their default value)
    • For a shell session, request the default minimum (1 CPU, 1 GB)

1.2 Inside a session

  • To open an app, click on its icon.

  • To get multiple apps open simultaneously
    • Click on [File > New Launcher]
    • or just click on the big blue [ + ] button

1.3 Closing a session

  • Close your browser/tab, won’t close your session ! It will still be running in background despite being invisible, or despite you shut your computor off : this is a normal behavior, so that you can get back later to your current active session.
  • To actually close and finish your session, you have to :
    • Select from the JupyterHub menu [File > Hub Control Panel]
    • Click on the red button [Stop my server]

    • This will release the resources used by your server (and declare them available for other users).

1.4 Logging out

  • Logging out of Jupyter is unrelated to having a running sesssion or not : you can log in/out at any time, this won’t close your running session.
  • To log out, simply click on the [Logout] button (top right corner)